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An hour earlier...

Magnus and Annie portalled into the hub seconds before the front door blew in. Annie was thrown backwards across the floor, the blast having taken her by surprise. In her daze she missed the start of the fight, laying motionless staring up at the gold ceiling and her ears ringing. When she finally regained her senses, she climbed to her feet and subconsciously activating her core, thrusting her hand outwards and burning the first circle member in her sight.

She doesn't remember much after that, helping defend her people until no circle member remains alive, either burnt by angelic magic or slain by angelic weaponry. She dimly remembers being lead to the infirmary by Jay, and remembers Cat healing her wounds before she fully comes back to herself, finding her brother and soulbonded crouching in front of her holding her ringed hand tightly.

"... annie? You back with me?" Nik asked softly and the Trickster nodded, breathing deeply.

"Yeah, i'm back." Her voice was hoarse and her body ached but she was okay for the most part. "I lost control again."

"Shhh, it's fine. Happens to the best of us." Nik assured her, and it did. She vaguely recalls an incident where she had to drag his ass out of a bar when he had been provoked by a vampire and his magic had flared up. A grin spread across her lips, nodding her head.

"Now that i've got you fully back, Soulbonded. How do you feel about ambassador work?" Nik asked her and Annie frowned.

"I'm fine with it, but i don't see how..."

"I've convinced Daniel to send us to the New York Shadowhunter Insitute to speak with the Lightwood family." Nik explained. "We need to ally ourselves with our counterparts, now more than ever if Valentine knows our location." Annie nodded her head.

"I'm with you, soulbonded." She promised.

The New York Shadowhunter Insitute wasn't that much different from the Tricksters hub. The floors glowed a blue-white instead of gold, but the layout was pretty similar.

Magnus lead them through the insitute, having had been summoned upon the Forsaken attack.

"Maryse Lightwood." Magnus greeted curtly, stepping into the office with the two Tricksters a step behind him. "I have two ambassadors sent to negotiate on behalf of their people."

"And who are these ambassadors?" Maryse asked impatiently and Magnus' temper flared, but only for a moment.

"Anna and Niklaus Fitzgerald, but that is all i am permitted to disclose. If they chose they will tell you more, but i implore you to hear them out."

"Very well." Maryse nodded curtly and Magnus was quick to depart, leaving the two Tricksters alone with the co-head of the New York Insitute. "What can i do for you?"

"Our leader's Daniel and James Harkness have sent us here to negotiate terms for an alliance between our kinds." Niklaus states, stepping into his role easily. "We are aware you vastly outnumber our kind by the thousands, but there is one thing your people do not have on us."

"And what is that?" Clearly Nik had sparked her interest.

"Time." Anna stated. "We were born in January, in the middle of one of the worst winters in england, in 1568." Clearly this startled Maryse, but she remained silent. "My people were founded by another archangel in 1568 after seeing what his brother Raziel's shadowhunters had done. He was disgusted by the way your people treated downworlders, that they were supposed to be created equally but instead you use them when it is convenient to you and slaughtered them for merely existing."

"What angel is this you speak of?" Maryse asked, ignoring the jab at her people for the sake of their negotiations.

"He is God's third son." Niklaus replied. "The Archangel Gabriel." Maryse audibly gasps, shocked. "He gifted us with access to our angelic cores, and with that we have the ability to practice magic." As if to prove it, Anna activates her core and holds out her palm, the aqua ball floating above her skin. "It also gives us our immortality, but it does not give us invincibility. We lost 5 of our already small number in an attack orchestrated by Valentine's men just yesterday, which is what prompted us to come to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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