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I woke up at 8 am, i didn't sleep well i dont know why. I get out of bed and put the first thing on i see; it is a white hoodie, with black leggings and combat boots and a cute black hat. I grab my phone to see if chris posted something, i like,retweet and command. Like not a second later i get a notification. CHRISTIAN NOTICED ME!. I freak out and throw my phone up, luckily i catch it.

I go downstairs to make some breakfast.My mom is not home. I crab the cereal and milk. While i keep smiling at my phone. When my bowl is empty, i watch some tv. My mom is home Then i go shower. After im done i walk out the shower. My mom looks to happy, i dont trust it. I ask her whats wrong" mom why are you so happy" My gets even more excited "I have a suprise for you" I chuckle and ask what she is planned. "ow nothing you will see it tonight" I smile and walk away. *later in my room* I listen to some music while i hear im getting called*i pick up* "mom what are you doing im just in my room"  "I know darling just open your laptop and open skype"    "okay but why mom"  "just do it i promis you won't regret" *i hang up* *i open skype and see a incoming call from someone named:suprise*  I click on accept*   I see chris his face pop up and i freak out. He laughes. I take some fresh air and breath out. he starts talking "SUPRISE, I dont know i if your mom told you yet but she contacted me about a week ago about you are gonna stay at my house in canada for 2 months with us" *i start sobbing*  he looks at me and start to chuckle.  Its hard to say anything and im trying so hard, when it finally paid out; thank you so much chris i say while my voice cracks a little.  chris says:"pack in your stuff your plane flies tomorrow, girl" "chris thats amazing! *i stutter*

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