A visit from Paris

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It's been a few days since we checked the club out. I called the bands and we were set for three weeks to open. Today Paris was coming to give Nathan a psychical and do some test. I was in my office getting things prepared for opening night when Nathan walked in. 

"Hey Nathan what's up?" I ask him as he sits in front of my desk. 

"I was wondering if you would go with Haley and me to the doctor?" He asked nervously. 

"Sure let me grab my stuff and we'll head out." I say and stand and Nathan pulls me into a hug. 

"Thank you, your the best sister I could ever ask for. I'm also happy your with Tristan." I smile and grab his hand and we head out to the hospital to meet Paris. We arrive twenty minutes later and I go to the desk and ask for Paris. A few minutes later she comes out. 

"God I've missed you." She says hugging me. 

"I've missed you too. Paris this is Nathan, Tristan's  brother and Haley Nathan's wife." I say introducing them. 

"Nice to meet you also Rory Luke gave me your mail and packages." She tells me. 

"After the appointment you can stay at my house before you go home tomorrow." I say. She took Nathan to get the X-rays and all the test he needed done. She even did some test that didn't need to be done. She wanted to be sure nothing was wrong. A few hours later Paris came back out. 

"I'll look at everything tonight and I will give you my opinion and another colleagues." She says. 

"I want you to tell Rory the results and she can tell me." Nathan says firmly. 

"Are you sure?" I ask shocked. 

"Yes we've talked about it, we want you to tell us." Haley says smiling at me. 

"Alright I'll give it to Rory then." Paris says. We make our way back to my house and everyone is there. We walk into the kitchen. 

"Look what the cat dragged in." Paris says smirking. 

"Paris." Nate and Mark exclaim getting up to hug Paris. 

"How are you guys?" She asked. 

"We're good." They said together and asked how she was doing. 

"I'm good. Oh let me go to my car and get the stuff Luke gave me to give to you." She says and comes back a few minutes later. She places it on the counter and I pick up a large envelope and open it and the tears start to flow. 

"Rory are you ok?" Karen asked concerned. 

"I'm good it's just that these are my graduation photos." I say my voice cracking. They all come around me and look at the pictures. 

"Who did these?" Keith asked. 

"She hired a photographer. I was the only one there." Paris says smiling looking down at the picture of her and I. 

"Wow you were valedictorian?" Haley asked shocked and Paris scoffs. 

"When she transferred to Chilton she was so far behind. She skipped a grade and became valedictorian . Went to Yale skipped a year and made valedictorian again. Did Harvard in two years was valedictorian too." She says laughing. 

"Wow." Brooke says shocked. 

"By the way Ror I need to talk to you about something." Paris says uneasily. We walk into my office and I close the door. 

"What's going on?" I ask concerned. 

"Madeline was at an event the other day and she heard Shira talking. They know your the Hayden and Logan's looking for you." She says seriously. 

"What?" I exclaim. 

"Yeah and Finn said to call him, He's worried Huntz has gone off the deep end." She says concerned. 

"Oh god." I say and I run into the kitchen to grab my phone and immediately run out.

Keith's POV

"What was that?" I asked confused. 

"I don't know." Karen said shortly after Rory ran out of the room Paris walks in. 

"Paris is Rory ok?" Tristan asked concerned. 

"No, I gave her some information about someone." She says annoyed. 

"Who?" Nate asks concerned. 

"Logan." Was all she said.

"What did he do now?" Mark asks concerned with a hint of anger in his voice. 

"Apparently they know she's a Hayden. His mother wants him and Rory together again, he's looking for her. Remember Finn?" She asked them. 

"Yeah he was a friend of Logan's as well." Nate said. 

"Well he's worried for Rory and wants her to call him. He's afraid Huntz has gone off the deep end." She says. 

"Shit." They say together. 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"Keith, Rory told you about him. She dated him in Yale, you know what he did." Mark says. 

"Damn it." I say angrily and make my way to find Rory. I find her in the office and pull her in for a hug. 

"What did Finn say?" I asked concerned. 

"He's looking for me, he wants us together again. You know Finn and Colin are only friends with Logan now to keep an eye out for me." She says and I'm confused. 

"What do you mean?" I asked curious. 

"After I dumped him he kept trying to be with me again and I wouldn't. He would corner me, He scares me like Jess does." She says with fear. I nod in understanding and we head for the kitchen. She starts to open boxes and I hear. 

"Oh god"

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