Chapter 7: Then there was two

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After entering my room, I leaned against the closed door to recover my breath. I looked up to see a sight that made me stand straight with a hand on the door knob. "What are you doing in here?" I asked him. He ignored my question. "Why are you so afraid of me? Humans think angels are their everything. Not many people know what we actually do," he said walking closer to me.

Fear filled my eyes. He's going to find the truth, and he won't stop until he does. Him finding out the truth doesn't scare me. What he does with it does. Then he cocked his head, "What are you?" I gulped as I knew I could not prevent the inevitable.

He put two fingers on my forehead. I hissed as he searched through my memories. His eyes turned a bright blue, then I could feel my angel come out which meant that mine were a baby blue as well.

Soon after he let go of me, and I fell to the floor. "You're an angel," he said with disbelief. Just as he said it, a door slammed open hitting my butt. I decided it would be best to just sit down to prevent it from being hurt any further.

I saw Dean enter. He looked at me with a bit of sadness in his eyes, "Sorry." I waved him off. Dean looked to Cas, "What's going on?" Cas looked at me with what I almost thought was sorrowful eyes before saying, "Nothing. I've got to go." He left in a blink.

I let out a big breath. He knows. But, who will he tell? This was the question that was going to bother me. I looked up to see Dean with a hand running down his face. After a moment he looked down to see me on the floor. He held out his hand for me, "Sorry about that." I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up. "It's nothing. My ass just hurts a bit," I said with a smile.

He laughed a little, before returning to a worried face. "What did he do to you?" I looked down and wrapped my arms around myself, ashamed of what I am. "He just, wanted to know why I was scared," that's all I could say.

He nodded knowing that there was probably more to the story, but I wasn't gonna say anything more. He took his thumb and lifted my chin. I looked at him to see a childish smile on his face, "There she is. Hey, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to." I smiled a little and nodded.

After a little while of me not talking, he sighed, "Well, I better get back out there and talk to Sammy." I nodded looking back at the ground. He gave me one last sorrowful glance before leaving the room.

After he left, tears that I didn't want to cry, began to fall. Memories came flashing in my head. Aching and screaming confused me with what was actually happening. The people I trusted most, betrayed me more than any human I've ever met.

My hearing started to go on and off, and I only heard distant mumbles. "You can not save her. Her fate is better off dead." The voice pleaded.

There was some quiet mumbling, followed by a gun shot. Now mumbling came from a different voice. They raced over to me and began to pick me up. I took all of my strength to look up, and see the blurry image of a man, my savior. The mumbling became clearer. "Are you okay? I'll get you out of here. My name is John Winchester." Then everything went black.

I woke up in what seemed to be, from what I've learned from human culture, to be a motel room. I slowly got up from the couch and looked around. I felt tapping on my shoulder to the right.

I turned to see a boy about my age. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" He asked. I could tell he had more questions, but he got cut off by a familiar voice. "Dean, get away from her. She's had a rough day, and she doesn't need someone reminding her of the trauma she's gone through."

Dean. What a beautiful, yet simple name. The boy lowered his head, mumbled a Sorry, and walked away.

After a while, John came back into the room. "Now, I didn't know what you were when I saved you, but your kind is not very welcome around here," he said with a stern voice. "I'll give you a couple minutes to pack up and head out of here."

He turned around and walked away. Humans aren't always nice creatures, but they'll give you a head start. Unlike humans, angels will snap your neck on instinct.

I was pulled out of the memory to listen to the now soft cry coming out of my mouth. I could feel my self being rocked by strong arms. Was I really lulled into the memory so much that I couldn't even feel myself being moved?

I didn't have to look up to know that it was Dean. His strong scent of his cologne filled my lungs. Realizing this seemed to calm me down. I set my tear stained hands on top of his.

"You ever meet an angel before? Before Cas I mean," I asked. I could hear Dean smile, "Yeah, actually. It was when I was really young. Didn't really get to talk to her much. Didn't even get her name," I heard Dean chuckle. I just looked off into the distance taking in the information.

"What happened?" I asked wanting to know if he knew something I didn't. "Dad said he found a girl that was gonna be killed by her own kind. He saved her before he knew what she was though. Said that he'd let her go with a warning. She was too young to deserve a death that soon."

I waited a bit to see if he'd continue. "Did you-... did you ever see her again?" I asked. "Dad kept an eye on her, but she eventually disappeared, which you can't disappear from hunters, so..." A smile on my face appeared from looking at the irony, "Yeah."

"Wh- what did she look like?" I asked a little horsely. "Well, she had dark brown hair, pale skin, and these really captivating eyes... kind of.... kind of like you actually."

"Captivating ain't really describing them these days are they?" I said with a quiet voice. His hold on me tightened a bit, and after a while I fell asleep.

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