Chapter 2: Hold On To Me, You're All I Have

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*Disclaimer: I do not own any of the character in this story, neither do I own the music lyrics which is used for the title of this story and it's chapters.

Warning: Out of character, manga spoilers and smut.
Please excuse any of the mistakes I may have missed whilst editing this.*

"I don't know, Sinbad, something just seems to be really off about him lately," Hinahoho stated, watching as Sinbad gathered all of his metal vessels.
"I agree," Sinbad said softly, eyebrows furrowed, thoughts disturbed by the recent behaviour of the dark Magi.

Ja'far sighed loudly. "We shouldn't even be discussing this. Judar is no longer our problem, or have you already forgotten that?" He asked, slight irritation in his voice. "But still, his behaviour lately has been very worrisome," he stated, eyes downcast as he stared at the floor, mind racing from different memories.

From the time Judar seemed to betray them, yet insisted on the fact that he hadn't, even years later. To that time Drakon had told him about, when Judar seemed to have that mini melt down, to his most recent behaviour, coupled in the facts that he wasn't taking care of himself.

Ja'far scowled at that, wanting to grab the younger and scold him for hours, and yet...he clenched his fists, he couldn't do that, now can he?
"Ohhhh." Sinbad hummed. "Seems like I wasn't the only who got attached," the king's voice seemed to take on a teasing tone as he smirked at his friend.

"I was not attached, far from it," Ja'far scoffed at him.
"Sure," Sinbad teased as Hinahoho chuckled at them.
They tensed as suddenly, a familiar magic transfer circle appeared in front of them.

"Isn't that Judar's?!" Ja'far asked as he grabbed his weapons in his sleeves, ready to fight, should the need arise.
And yet, it seemed to stay open for longer than necassary.
"Did he think we would fall for this and walk right on through?" Sinbad asked quietly.

Suddenly, multiple people stepped through, and yet, none of them expected to see the faces they did in that moment.
"This is impossible," Sinbad stated, eyes wide.
"Rurumu?" Hinahoho whispered in disbelief.

"Look! It's just like he promised, there they are!" Mistoras said, pointing. "Sinbad!!" He yelled, waving ecstatically as he jogged closer.
"Mistoras?!" Sinbad exclaimed in shock.

"Old friend, look at you! It's so good to see you!" Mistoras said as he came to a stop in front of the king.
Hinahoho held Rurumu at arms length, asking if she were real, and at the affirmative nod, he pulled her in for a tight hug.

Vittel and Mahad were surrounding Ja'far, crying river like tears of joy as they both hugged him, exclaiming about how he grew up so much! Serendine, Parsine and Tamira stood to the side, smiling happily at the sight.

"Wait!" Sinbad said, pushing Mistoras back from his joyful hug. "How are you all still alive?" He asked, staring Mistoras straight in the eyes as he did.
"Ah, it's all because of Judar," Tamira stated, with a soft smile.

"What?" Sinbad asked, clearly surprised and disbelieving.
"Yeah!" Mistoras said joyfully, until a confused look crossed his features. "Wait, where is he? He said he'd be right behind us," he stated as he glanced around.

"Mistoras!" Sinbad shouted, gaining the other's attention. "You said Judar saved you, right? How?" He asked urgently, gripping Mistoras' upper arms tightly, hope he once thought to  be dead rekindled in him.

This was it, this could officially prove Judar's innocence, and he could welcome the younger back into his life, back into his arms.

Rurumu pulled away from her husband. "That's right. We were never killed in the war, we were taken hostage by members of Al-Thamen. They used us as a means of bargaining with Judar, threatening our lives should he disobey them," she explained.

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