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Hey! As you can see or for the people that doesn't clearly know me! Or has texted me during me and my emo times!

I have a new account that I kinda go on? I usually write whenever but debating on writing again since I usually write on google docs-

*blushes and rubs cheek* but yeah! I have another account I usually go on here and there. But if you wanna check it out or if anyone will what am I saying XD it's Lizzy_Ditz ! The stories I wrote are cheesy because I'm a cheesy romantic for my chunky boy~

But feel free to go check it out! (Don't see if no one sees this but informing people I use to talk to) if you'd like!

Oh! It's also my one year with my handsome, chunky boy ChubbyBoyBlaze ! WE MADE IT BABY! MORE YEARS PLEASE..I just..love him more then the universe?..I technically love his existence and glad he's here to this day, being a miracle baby as well. I don't know what I'd do without him. He's just everything I wanted and needed. I'm cheesy I know but it's true! He's..just something that'll make me smile out of nowhere..even when I tend to be the emotional yet stubborn one he'll end up making my days. Almost forget most of my stories on my other account is about us, might write more.

But that's all I have to say! XD don't know if anyone will see this but if someone did and managed to read this whole thing, congratulations to you reading about my rant and hope you have a wonderful day and lovely life! Even if I don't know you just know you're loved and such!

See ya! 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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