chapter 2💍

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jazz pov*

i woke up with trey all up on me i pushed him off cause i had a dream i was finna pee but i woke up in time to go use the bathroom

trey- man,come back

jazz-gotta pee *running in the bathroom

5 mins later

i walked back in the room trey was up on his phone 

trey- bae lets do it *pulling her on him*

jazz-bae why

trey- come on *deep voice*

jazz-you sound sexy asf 

trey- come on fr *getting between her legs*


jaz opened the door running in and tracy following her


jazzmine-mama dada movie *picking up trey phone

trey- no movie ma *kissing her cheek*

jazz-come on tracy and jaz lets go take a shower

trey-while you at it brush yo damn hair lookin like a fool lu goon on that damn computer

trey-while you at it brush yo damn hair lookin like a fool lu goon on that damn computer

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jazz- lmaoo boii shut up you mad cause you ian get nun

trey-yea whatever come on jaz lets go brush yo teeth with daddy

trey took jaz and jazz took tracy and got them ready

jaz and tracy outfits 

jaz and tracy outfits 

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then they meet up in the living room

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then they meet up in the living room

trey-omm my baby lookin fine asf

jazz-nigga stop,you looking edible *kissing him*

trey-lets go to ihop queen cj and clarence there

jazz-okay come on jaz *picking her up* trey get tracy

trey got tracy and they got in the car to go meet queen cj and clarence at ihop

tbc in the next chapter!!

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