Chapter 7- Caged

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Rapunzel had been trapped in a tower for most of her life. Many would think a cage the size of a double bed would be no different, but it was. The cage had a tarp over it, the wagon she was getting transported on was jostling and the men were talking constantly. Rapunzel was to fearful to sleep, so scared to eat what they gave her. All she could do was braid her hair up into more and more knots and pray to the Sun Goddess to give her strength.

The blonde had been a fool to think her kingdom was safe, now it was most likely in ruins, her mother and father most likely slaughtered and her home in shambles. She had only just gotten all of those, escaped from her tower and had only just started to live, only to have it all taken away again. It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t right. She had no idea what she had done wrong, most of all her people did not deserve this sort of punishment.

Was it because she let her kidnapper, mother Gothal , fall to her death? Rapunzel had reached out but it had been too late- what she being punished for it? For not saving a life? No, that couldn’t be the reason, it had been over a year now since the incident. Rapunzel’s hair had nearly been chopped off in the process, but it had all managed to work out.

Except now she was stuck in a cage going gods knows where. Tears sprang to her eyes, she seemed to loose everyone she ever loved. Gothal sure, had been her kidnapper, but she had not known that till her 18th birthday. All her life Gothal had been her mother, the one who loved and cared and sang and read her stories. Though she would and could never forgive the woman for what she had done to keep Rapunzel in her tower, she had been good to her.

Then there was Flynn Rider. The man who had started her life, whom she had fallen for and thought perhaps be friends and maybe one day something more with. But when she woke up from her first night in the palace, Flynn was gone without a trace- and nothing was stolen. Rapunzel had been looking for him ever since, no trace of the old thief. She only hoped he was happy.

Her mother and father, so many tears and hugs. Picnics in the parks to catch up on all the time lost, getting to know the city and her people. Her mother and father were kind and beautiful and loving. There were no two people on earth she’d rather do anything for. Now she was ripped away from them less than a year later.

Lastly Hiccup, her dearest friend. The blacksmith with the black cat. An outcast, a loner Rapunzel had always enjoyed his company and seeked him out for solace. She liked learning about the gods of her people and even more teaching Hiccup about them. He had always been there for her ever since she had accepted him into the city and made sure he had a job. The two had been close, and she worried what happened to him during the attack, he would have protected his forge. But the enemies most likely wanted all those weapons- what was one more dead skinny boy? She hoped it wasn’t true.

So lost in thought was Rapunzel that she didn’t even feel the wagon that her cage was riding in slow to a stop. Suddenly touch light blinded the blonde and she held up a hand, blinking her large green eyes rapidly as the tarp came off- and Rapunzel gasped as she slowly stood up.

All around her men stood, in formation staring straight ahead. They wore black armour or black leather, their faces grizzled and their bodies built for war. Rapunzel gulped a little, she was trapped right in the middle of the Nightmare Army. They were an impressive sight, with banners of blood red with their black stallion rearing on it and beside the banners touches to see though the night. Their eyes not even glancing at her but at their mission far head. To the west Rapunzel saw great sands, as far as the eye could see. Had they reached the Dunes Of Gira all ready? That was far south of Corona. Not possible, that means they hadn’t slept at all and travelled all through the night and though the day. They were relentless, Rapunzel gave them that. To the east she saw mountains tipped in snow, far away, the tallest peeks looked like ants from where she was. And right ahead of them was forest, dense and think. Dead Man’s Drove lay before them, the only trail through the woods.

Rapunzel had heard of The Plagued Forest. It was one of the deadliest places in all the kingdoms, no one would claim it as their land, since it seemed to have a mind of its own. Many people strayed off the path and were never seen again, all sorts of beasts ventured in there and called it home. Rapunzel shivered at the thought of going in there, even on the only path thought the woods, Dead Man’s Drove didn’t sound to appeasing. It was named after the drover men of sheep and cattle would want to transport their stock from one kingdom to another. The sands were no place for stock and the hills to steep, Dead Man’s Drove was named for killing many a farmer, and his sheep.

‘Well dear princess, what do you think?’ Rapunzel flinched so hard she tripped over her own hair and went sprawling to the ground, looking up a man and gotten up in the wagon beside her. He wore black and dark grey robes, his skin was so pale in the moon light it looked ghostly grey. His eyes a golden, but not warm and beautiful, but piercing and greedy, like gold did to men. His dark hair was slicked back and his teeth seemed nearly pointed. On his robes many badges were pinned.

‘General Kosmas Pitcher…’ Rapunzel whispered, everyone had heard the rumours.

‘Pitch Black they call me now.’ The man rumbled, as if amused by his own old name. He hadn’t even glanced at her, his eyes started straight into Dead Man’s Drove, his hands folded behind his back. ‘Beyond the pines there are many kingdoms, many islands and many black markets that would pay well for a princess with magic hair that resembles the Sun Goddess.’

Rapunzel couldn’t help but quiver, she wasn’t sure if it was because Winter was setting in, or in fear of this man. So powerful that even just standing there, he would scare men into winning any war. She could see how he turned a whole army on its own kingdom and became their leader. ‘Well my dear.’ His eyes finally locked with hers. “you might as well accept now that no one is coming to get you. Onwards with our journey.’

Before Rapunzel could protest, Pitch Black gave a nod to the men who had taken it off, and just as quickly she was covered in black again. With only a few stray spots of moonlight to keep her company.

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