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Caution : following facts may be incorrect because I don't pay attention in school
"It's the most stressful time of the year"
Have you ever thought about exams? I mean, you attend school everyday, you learn new things everyday, most of the time you don't remember it and if you do, well congratulations! You're what I call, a smart kid. Now I, for one, don't bother studying when I come back home. I mean I just got back from learning and I have to relearn what I learned today especially when I wasn't paying attention while supposedly learning it in class? No thank you, I'd rather spend my time watching tv and sleeping because yes.
But the life of a student is really stressful, and the fact that nearly everyone you know was once a student, makes it even worse because even though they've all been through this terrible stage, they act as if it's the easiest thing in the world. Sure, anything below middle school level is easy peasy lemon squeezy, but everything above it? Board exams, SATs, other exams that are graded, and the life beyond school and college exams, the pressure is really too much. Not that I'm speaking from experience, I have trouble doing 8th grade physics and chemistry, but then again, when will I ever need to know what is observed when ammonium dichromate is heated? Will an intruder ever break in and yell "tell me tHE GAS EVOLVED WHEN SODIUM HYDROXIDE IS ADDED TO POTASSIUM NITRATE AND GIVE ME A BALANCED EQUATION FOR IT OTHERWISE I SHOOT YOU AND TAKE ALL YOUR MONEY!1!1!1!!1" like woah buddy lemme bust out my notebook before you sho- BANG! I'm dead. Why? Because I paid zeRO ATTENTION IN CLASS.
Okay maybe exams aren't the end of the world, but they do determine what you do later on in life. If you come off as dumb in your school life, chances are you'll come off as dumb in your adult life too and that'll be pretty problematic but I mean, why stress us out sO much? I have friends who stay up till really late at night studying for a 20 mark paper, others who study throughout the year and score well, and some who aren't even aware of what's going on.
The fact that they're all closed book tests makes it worse. You spend hours and hours mugging up equations, numbers, random stuff that you probably will never use again, for a 3 hour paper, only to score a slightly less than a complete 100% and then you're kicking yourself. I mean, what if I end up being a scientist? Will I really have to solve my problems without referring to my notes?
"I want the essay on how to derive CalIDontGiveAShitium from SodLegitNoOneCaresium by tomorrow, but don't look at your notes. Only memory"
Next thing you know, the world has come to an end, aliens are real, and Santa has run away with the Tooth Fairy cause his elves broke his reindeer.
Plus, the schedule is always so cramped. I have 365 days in a year out of which I spend nearly 200 in school, and the rest everywhere else in the world. Are you telling me, that you need to cram in 3-6 rounds of testing of 11 subjects, into less than 15 days out of my 200? You can't finish the syllabus on time because "we have too many breaks" ? You're not able to spread out the exams due to "lack of time" ? How about you reduce the syllabus to what I'll actually need later on in life instead of teaching me about how plants have sex, how a squirrel died, and that hot air helps birds fly with less flappy flappy of their wings? I have no issue learning all this definitely not useless gems of knowledge, up until the point where I get 300 stress pimples, a lot of yelling and being locked in my room, and a lot of sleepless nights because you decided to hold an 80 marker to check on what I know.
Anyways, exams. They're a terrible, terrible thing and the on of the most stressful things your 11 to death year old self will have to experience. Some say they're worth it in the end, studies are yet to prove it but okay, sure thing world. But until then, good luck for whatever exams are remaining and may you succeed in all your endeavors.
Stay in school, don't do drugs, drink your milk and get a dog.


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