Chapter 1: Starting all over again

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Well,  as my old account got hacked and I had nothing left, I started another new account in Gt. Lucky I am, my friend, who Gt account name was Wintiesxxx,  wanted to help me with my new "life". He lent me 2 World Locks to start my business.
      I headed to BUYHTB to buy high tech blocks. When I reached there, I was surprise because the price of htb raised. I bought 34 seeds for 2 World Locks and I planted it at my noob world called YXDLPRO.
      Ah! I almost forgot to introduce myself, my Gt name is Yxroom. Actually this name belongs to Winties's old account but that account was deleted completely, so I use this name. Well, back to the story,  I planted those htb seeds and I waited for like 3days and 12 hours and I harvest it until I get 2,000 gems.
      Suddenly, when I am breaking my htbs, Winties came in and ask me whether if I still wanted to complete our kid dream, I quickly say Yes and we headed to CYKCAFE, luckily it wasn't locked by anyone else so Winties locked the world with his World Lock. We started clearing up the world.
      You wanna ask me what is that kid dream doing with the CYKCAFE? Well,  I will tell u at the next chapter.  It's all for now. Be sure to wait for the nest chapter!  Bye

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