Pancakes J.M

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Y/n's POV

Waking up next to Jason is one of the most amazing sights. Lightly I tread the outline of his face, gracefully admiring the way the sun dances across his skin. He looks so young when he sleeps- peaceful even. Not how he usually is, stressed from work and all the missions they go on. Not wanting to bother him I carefully remove his arms from around my waist and the covers from my bare body and slip on a pair of panties along with one of his button-ups that comes to my mid-thigh.

After brushing my teeth, I head downstairs to make breakfast. Going through drawers and cabinets making sure I have all the necessities to make pancakes. Soon after I pour the flour into a bowl, I feel warm hands snake around my waist recognizing the familiar tattoos.

"Good morning! " I smiled, He moved my hair to the side and began to leave soft kisses down my neck, "Good morning baby girl." his scruff tickled my neck as he continued down to my shoulder.

Pulling away from his touch to grab the eggs and the other ingredients "Baby can you get me a pan?" I asked turning around with my supplies in hand. Jason stands there smirking,

" No problem shawty."

"Oh my God Jase stop," I giggled. He put the pan on the stove and handed me a bowl stealing a kiss in the process. "Are you helping or watching? "

He comes behind me and lifts his shirt "I think I'll watch" he says smugly. "Well go to the other side of the island" he pouted his bottom lip and looks at me with those ocean blue eyes I could stare into all day. Sighing I lean over and kiss his lips sending him to the chair. His figure just sits hunched over the counter, showing his perfectly sculpted back muscles and the tattoos I've learned to trace every detail on.

Looking up a new recipe on Pinterest my eyes stay glued to my phone. "Blueberry Jase?" I look at him questioningly. "Sounds good." he replies as I set them near him. He goes to grab one and and then another and soon a handful. "Leave some for the panqueues!" I scold him just as he throws one right at my forehead. Game on McCann.

Grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at him, he looks at me with utter disbelief

"You shouldn't have done that baby." he growls.

Slightly picking up the pace I run around the island in the kitchen trying to avoid him, unfortunately, that plan failed. A cracking sound was heard on my head and suddenly yolk began dripping down my face. He just laughed showing that great smile of his. Laughing causes you to want a drink, maybe some milk will quench his thirst.

He's soaked...oops. "What the fuck y/n!"

"Awwe baby," I coo going to hug him wich he accepts all too easily. There it is. He slapped butter on my ass. Enough to see an outline of his hand.

"Happy now?" I tilt my head to look at him


"No pancakes then" I giggle as he lifts me up on the counter and rest between my legs. "Eh I wasn't feeling them anyways " he admits slowly leaning in moving a strand of flour-covered hair with his hands," You're so beautiful y/n.", there we sat covered in flour,eggs, and the rest of the uncooked recipe. The kitchen was a mess but a good mess- our mess.

"I love you Jay." I whisper pressing my lips against his softly.

"I love you too baby girl," he says kissing me softly.

"We should go bathe." I sigh.

"Right." he laughs picking me up running to the bathroom. Footprints of flour trail through our bedroom into the bathroom. He just sits me on the counter and begins to run a bath adding bubbles in. He's so cute when he's concentrated, "We'll go out to eat yeah?"

"Come here," I say with open arms for him to come between my legs once more. He looks at my slightly confused I just grab him by the neck pulling him to my lips kissing him with so much passion, he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into him. He laughs lowly as he pulls away licking his lips.

"You drive me insane."

"Good," I smile "Only me though,right?"

He turns around to turn the water off "Yes baby, only you y/n."
He turns back and begins unbuttoning my-well his shirt. "I'm so lucky." I breathe as he looks at me with so much admiration.

"You're perfect." he says moving hair behind my ear. He pulls his pants down in one swipe and steps in the tub holding his hand out for me to get in with him. He sits down and I sit down carefully in front of him. He pulls my shoulders back making me relax into him. We just sit there, making conversation here and there, laughing, even silence but it was comfortable, not awkward; just his breathing synchronized with mine, playing with strands of my hair, me playing with his fingers.

This is the man I want to be with for the rest of my life.

A/N: Hey guys! hope you enjoyed!

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XOXO Janelle

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