Runaway *ch1*

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*My first real story so this may suck*

You ran. Not knowing where you are going but you had to get away. Your mom abused you since you were five out of her achohal addiction. You deeply loved you're mom knowing that it's not her fault. But deep inside you know it is. But as you ran through the city of New York you ran into a figure, no not a figure but a monster. A hellhound. You ran as if you were being chased by death himself which you almost were. But as you ran you felt gold glimery dust fall on to your shoulders. You spun around to see a little Latino boy holding a hammer. He said he would explain once you got there. You didn't know exactly where "there" was busy you oddly felt like you could trust him. You both ran in silence besides the sound of you two wheezing to catch your breaths at a sign that said "camp half blood". You were greeted by ooos and people yelling new camper. The Latino boy which you later figured out that is named leo, showed you to a man named Chiron. Chiron explained the whole demigod business and to his surprise you took it calmly almost as you already knew.  But on the inside you were screaming, the only reason you didn't show it is because when you opened up to people it didn't uh end well.... All your friends basically abanded you, you got countless beatings from you achohal abusing mother and lastly you were the reason your brother died. His screaming still runs through your head every night and day. Chiron noticed you blanked out a tad so he tapped you, you jumped in terror. But you relaxed when you saw his face and not your mother's and or brothers. He showed you to where you would eat since it was indeed dinner time. You sat with the other unclaimed demigods hoping to be claimed but at the same time not wanting the attention drawn to you. But as you walked over to your table you were stopped by another demigod. She smirked and that's when you realized it was Fiona. The girl who bullied you everyday of your life and made sure you just knew how worthless you truly felt. She yelled at you for getting in her way, you mummbled sorry and tried to walk off but Fiona stopped you in your tracks.

You sighed and said "what do you want Fiona"
Which of course she responded with "to see you suffer you piece of shit" you tried to controll your anger knowing what would happen if you didn't. But when she mentioned you dead brother and then punched you all hell broke loose.... litterly. You screamed but not in the matter of being scared but almost a scary way which even frightened yourself. You rose your arms up not thinking of what you were doing and summoned the dead. A voice in your head said kill her but you knew you shouldn't but at the same time you already basically released hell so why not- but then suddenly Fiona struck you with her dagger. You not knowing what you were doing punched her and grabbed the dagger out of her hand while pinning her down. You didn't notice the other campers looking at you untill someone pointed to a glowing symbol above your head.


I then heard a booming voice say "all hail (y/n) daughter of Hades.
Everyone looked at you in pure terror. Why are they looking at me like that I thought.
As I looked down I saw it. The once golden yellow and pink dagger I held in my hand was turning black right before everyones eyes. I quickly turned to look around to see just about who was still staring and what you saw was everyone still starting at the dagger. One kid shouted "she just turned a Apollo kid's dagger black she's going to fucking kill us".   That put you over the edge, you ran.


The one person that didn't look at you in terror was Leo. He quickly tried to follow you in a hast to make sure you were and are ok. He searched for you in the cabins first but he couldn't find you. He then tried the woods but he was about to give up after 3hrs of searching till he heard weeping.

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