A/N Why I Haven't Been Uploading...

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A/N HEY GUYS! Aria here, and I bet you guys have been wondering- "Why hasn't she been uploading????"  Well, today (or tonight), I'm answering that question!

First off school has been pretty busy.  I go to a college preparatory school, and it's been ranked number one in my state for several years. . . Pressure's on to get good grades.  Not to mention that my parents will get upset if I get a B on a report card so. . . T-T  ANYWAYS!  

Usually I'd upload within 7-11 days, but there's this thing called Multicultural Club at my school and it's basically a club that is separated into 20-24 different cultural dances.  For example there's Polynesian, Korean Traditional and Modern, Bangra, Raas, Hip-Hop, etc.  For the past 2 weeks we've been preparing a lot for the Multi Shows on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of April, which means after school practice, practice on the weekends, etc.  I haven't had the time to update these chapters, and I'm even copying and pasting this A/N to save time 'cause I need to do homework after this. . . 

This entire week I haven after school rehersals, and to top it off- the shows.  That means I won't get home 'till 5-6 after rehersals or 8-9 during the after school shows.  I also have to be a normal student and study, do my homework, finish projects and- It's just been really stressful lately.  

I'll try to update as much as I can and post chapters every week-or-so, but I can't promise anything.  

I hope you guys understand, and I'm REALLY SORRY for the really f'ing slow updates.

'Till now it's been AriaNerd, and I hope I'll see you guys soon in another chapter!



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