Part one

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~ Enjoy!!!~
Sometimes life is a bit munch. I need a break from it all. & when that happens i also go to my special place. Everyone has one. That peaceful place you go when you need quite. Mine is this place a few miles down the road from my apartment, its dark, quite, old, &... abandoned. Its the perfect place.
'Thud' you look up from your notebook to see if you could see what made that thud. Nothing.
"Hello?" You yelled out. You've never heard any noise here before so it was a bit scary. "Is any one out there?" You yelled out again.
"Hey sorry i-"
He jumped out of nowhere, it scared the shit out of you. "HOLY SHIT!!! Warn a girl before you jump out of the middle of nowhere"
"Sorry," he replied. & he walked over to sit on the old rustic swing next to you.
"Its fine" you said looking down a your notebook writing.
"What are you writing?" He asked you.
"Listen," you told him without looking up. "I come out here for peace & quite, to get away from the world," after you said this you looked up to see the guys face "not to have some random guy come & interrupt it all."
He was silent for a while & then, he finally spoke. "You know,  i came here for my work, i travel everywhere, & its always so hard. You know, to find a new place to think at. But its a big park i'll go somewhere else."
"Wait- i mean, you dont have to go." You said to him. We could talk. I just thought you were some random jock."
"You don't know who i am do you?"
"Uhhhh." You said sounding confused. "Should i?" You asked him.
"Most People dont." He said to you. then he grabbed your hand "i know a place thats always nice to get away at"
You followed him out of the park.

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