2 - Cufflinks

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Angel walked down the hall to her junior class. She turned the corner and met Mandela, her friend skipping closer with a smile.

"We still good?"

Angel straightened her armful of papers. "Yeah, still good."

"Great! Your place or mine?" Someone came trudging down the hall and Mandela skirted closer to the edge of the walkway to avoid being smashed.

"Yours. My dad isn't around." Angel glanced at the clock, her next class just across from them.

Mandela's expression turned blank a moment, then she nodded. "Can do." She turned and left for her own classroom, tossing Angel a grin before heading back the way she came. "See you!"

Angel turned too, and careened into another student. Their things went flying.

"Sorry," a boy rushed to say. Angel looked to see him kneel down and snatch up his things in a hurry.

Her face flushed. "Me too - no problem." She crouched to grab her own books.

His hair draped over his eyes as he stared at the ground, a pointed nose poking out from underneath. His arms darted out, not bothering to organize anything as it made its way into his hands. A moment later and he stood, running off without much else aduie, looking in a hurry. Angel watched him go.

When all of the sudden, Mandela was at her side, gathering her stuff together before placing the whole weight of them back into her arms. Angel looked her over, wondering how she missed Mandela's entrance, when she was flashed another smile before Mandela ran off again. Angel watched her go too, then tried looking beyond her for the guy. But he was already gone.

Most people disappeared into classrooms and Angel followed, but she paused ... tensing, embarrassed a moment before pushing it all out of her head.


Mandela skirted Angel's questions. "It's a beautiful day outside. Who wants to be locked up in a house?"

"It's closed. There's nothing to do."

"I beg to differ." Mandela pulled out a small wallet and shook it. "Ice-cream maybe ... ?"

"You already said - ,"

"I don't feel like being at home. Come on, it's not so bad." Mandela picked up her pace and skipped round the corner onto Angel's street. She stopped, staring around whatever she saw on the other end, then turned and grinned. "It's my lucky day."

Angel turned too, to see her dad working out in front of the shop. "Oh, he's back already." The two of them made their way down the sidewalk.

Her dad glanced up and waved. "Hey! How was school?"

Angel greeted him. "Same as ever. I thought you were out?"

"Came back. I'm gonna open the shop, okay?"

Mandela grabbed Angel's arm. "We're across the street." She pulled her friend over to the Ice-Creamery and Angel hopped against the tug, pulling herself free with a grin.

"Hold it, speedster." She made her way over on her own. They went inside and started ordering.


Back at the Jewelers shop, a boy walked in and greeted Angel's dad. "Hi. I was wondering if you could help me. I'm looking for a pair of cufflinks. To go with a suite."

Angel's dad turned and gestured to a table. "I think I can help. What's your name son?"

"It's Nelson. And I thought maybe something silver." His eyes looked at the table Angel's dad stood next to, and then his eyes caught a rack just behind him. Between a random grouping of earrings, bracelets, watches and pendants - he saw a brilliant pair of cufflinks that fit every image he'd kept in his mind. He stepped over and pointed. "What about these?"

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