Chapter 1:The Death of Me

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I hiss in pain when a feel a slap to my back side. "Hey sexy" my brother's best friend, Joshua says to me. I roll my eyes and sit up all the way now. "Isn't it too early for you to be harassing me?" I responded sarcastically while scooting away from the boy. Suddenly I am pulled back by my hair harshly. "Look you ungrateful bitch, I am the ONLY one still here for your sorry ass and the only one keeping your little secret. So you might want to watch how you talk to me, Alley Girl" he releases my hair then I rub my head and nod at him. "Why did you wake me up so early anyways?" I ask suddenly. "Well I wanted a kiss before we went to school but I guess I'll wait until you get ready" he says smugly. I look at the diner clock and curse under my breath. I quickly rush over to the diner and handle my business in the bathroom then practically jump in his car. "Have I mentioned that I hate you?" I said looking out the window. "Only 500 times but I know that one day, you will love me back" he says smirking. I roll my eyes and continue to look out the window. As we arrive to school, I try to jump out of the car but he locks the doors. "What now? I'm running late for homeroom" I whine desperately. "Can I get my goodbye kiss?" He puckers up and I suck my teeth. "Are you serious right now? You know I can't kiss you..." I say the last part quietly. "C'mon sexy, not even for good luck?" He continues attempting to kiss me but I push him back. "Fine" he says annoyed. Then the bell rings and he starts to smile again. "Love you baby" he blows a kiss while driving away. "Fuck off Joshua!" I shout out while sprinting into the school. I rush into Homeroom and take a seat by my best friend, Melody. "Wow look who decided to show" my teacher says sarcastically. "Don't start Jon, I'm only two minutes late and it's been a hell of a morning..." I sigh sitting down. "Everything ok boo?" I hear Melody ask. I look at her and smile fakely. "Yeah, everything's fine just Josh being himself you know?" I roll my eyes thinking of how my morning went. She laughs then looks back at her phone. "Hey sorry we're late, Jon. The train took years" I hear my best guy friend, Bradley say while walking in with Percy. I jump out of my seat and skip towards him smiling. "Bradley!" I exclaim like a little kid then hug him. "Hey... How are you?" He says smiling gently. I groan looking up at him. "You ask me this EVERY morning" I say annoyed. "And you give me the SAME answer every morning" he crosses his arms over his chest. "Because you should know better than ANYONE how I am, I mean I live in an Alley for fucks sake" I whisper to him with my eyes tearing up a bit. Only a few people know where I actually sleep every night, according to everyone else I am living with my brother and Josh. "I'm sorry ok? It's just that I know how it can get down there so I worry about you" he says looking at me guiltily for making me upset. I pretend that my heart didn't flutter a bit when he said that he worries about me. You see, I used to like Bradley but eventually I got over it because he has a girlfriend. I still somehow get flutters here and there though when he says or does really sweet things. "Jon, can you come out here for a minute?" I suddenly hear Siu, the school's dean ask from the door. Jon nods then goes outside of the room. "So are you moving again today?" Melody asks with concern on her face. "If I can get to the safer alley way soon enough, you coming with me to work after school?" I ask with hopeful eyes. "I have to pick up my nephew so I'll meet you there. You know, you can always come stay with me if you want to right? My mom and Julie miss you" she says smiling sadly. "Even after what my aunt did to you guys?" I ask shocked. "Your aunt did it, not you boo" she says angrily since I'm always blaming myself for what happened the day I started sleeping in the alley. "Even if I wanted to you know I can't, I don't want people to know and start pitying me..." I say. "Know what?" I suddenly hear an angelic voice filled with curiosity ask. I look up to see who said that and I felt my heart explode. This greek godlike boy was standing behind me with these eyes that I've never seen before. He has curly brunette hair that he is attempting to hide under a red beanie. I hear someone clear their throat and that's when I finally snap out of my trance from the boy. "N-Nothing" I stutter out quickly before turning back to Jon. "So if the new kid is done making googly eyes at Lauryn, can you please introduce yourself to the rest of the class" Jon says making the boy blush slightly. He goes to the front of the room and clears his throat. "So umm... I'm Austin Mahone and I just moved here from Miami" he says smiling. "Bro why would you move from Miami to this dump?" Percy asks. All the kids born and raised in New York start blacking on him. "Why aren't you offended by what he said?" Austin asks walking over to me. "I was born in Louisiana and halfly raised here so I can't really get all bent out of shape about his opinion" I say laughing. "I was born down south too, Texas actually" Austin says smiling brightly. "Oh I know, I kind if heard the accent when you said Miami. I lived there for middle school" I explained still not being able to look him in the eyes properly. "First period, get the hell out" Jon says loudly. Austin looked scared and I shake my head. "He's always like that but honestly Jon is probably the biggest softy I know, just don't piss him off" I say amusingly. "That's good to know" he says relieved. I laugh and take my seat with Melody. "He's cuteee" she whispers then winks at me. "I know" I mouth then laugh at my best friend already trying to play matchmaker with me and Austin. I look to see that Austin is still here looking at his schedule intensely. "Are you lost?" I ask him. "Actually this is my first period class, do you mind if I sit with you?" He says with a hint of something in his voice. "You sure can, friend. Here take my seat, I'm Melody by the way" Melody introduces herself before getting up. She sits across from me and I glare at her while she blows me a kiss. As I'm doing my Do Now, Austin taps me on my hand gently. Hey sorry to bother you again, do you have an extra pencil?" He asks smiling at me again. I dig in my bag and hand him one. "Thanks Lauryn" he says still smiling but starts his Do Now. He is going to be the death of me...

Austin's POV:

The Do Now prompt is to write about someone without mentioning who it is. 'I love her smile and the way she nibbles on her bottom lip when she's thinking about something deeply. Her laugh is adorable and don't even get me start on her accent, the cutest thing ever.'  I look over at Lauryn once more biting my lip to contain my smile then continue writing. "You ok white boy? You seem to be more focused on Melody's wife than doing your Do Now" the co-teacher says sassily. "C'mon Nastran, he's new and can you blame him for staring? I mean look at Lauryn with her sexy self. That smile can make anyone commit a murder" This Jamaican girl with braids says smirking at Lauryn. She aint lying... "Chimique stop" Lauryn says while blushing really hard. "Chimique, what did I tell you about describing my wife like that? No one even glances her way and lives to tell about it unless you are Austin. It is Austin right? I'm just gonna call you Texas Boy. Anyways, only he can do that 'cause he is really pretty right babe" Melody says looking at Lauryn gawk at her statement. "Lordd, Jon can I pleaseee go to the bathroom?"Lauryn says suddenly. "And miss this battle of them complimenting you and you blushing so hard that you look redder than me? Nah I'm good. Sit down, Eugene" Jon laughs. "If it makes you feel any better, you make me blush too babe" Melody says grabbing Lauryn's hand and kissing it dramatically. "Austin make them stopppp" Lauryn begs covering her face. "Ok guys that's enough... for today" I say whispering the last part then winking at them. They snicker then get back to work. I smile down at Lauryn as she lays her head on my shoulder gently and Melody stares at me suggestively so I look away clearing my throat. She is going to be the death of me...
[A/N: I hope you like the first chapter to my new story ☺]
Ps: the beginning of the song is how Austin felt when he first saw Lauryn.

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