Chapter 7: Drunk Chronicles with LJ and Awkward First Dates

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Austin's POV:

"C'mon Lauryn, let's go" I sigh in fake annoyance. "But I can'ttt puppy, Melo got me a gift and I'm wai-ting for it to ar-rive" She explains to me drunkly. "I am the gift. Let's get you to bed" I say instantly regretting it when Lauryn starts to smile. She shout-sings Bed by J Holiday at the chorus. "Wanna put my fingers through your hair
Wrap me up in your legs
And love you till your eyes roll back
I'm tryna put you to bed, bed, bed
I'ma put you to bed, bed, bed" She starts grinding into the car so I quickly pull her away. "You can do that in the house sweetheart, come come now" I mock Effie Trinket from Hunger Game's voice. Shortly after, we arrive at my house but I am having difficulty getting her out of the car. "Puppy let's dance. You a white boy but you lowkey have movesss" Lauryn wines to the music on her phone as I drag her inside. I sigh after locking the door. "Alright LJ, give Lauryn control over her body so she can go shower and sleep this off" I pick up the drunk giggly girl from the floor and head towards the bathroom. "Puppy I'm sorry I am such a f-uck up. I do care about you but I feel stupid doing that because everyone leaves. Why did you have to kick the door i-in? My heart was safe by it self! I was safe..." I look down when I hear sniffling. I stop walking to wipe her tears though she resists me. "Move one more time and watch what happens" I grumble and avoid her eyes. She tried to scurry away from me again so I grabbed her wrists then pressed her against the counter. She caught me off guard by moaning and then took that opportunity to flip us over. "Puppy... I told you what pressing does so why would you do EXACTLY that?" I didn't answer her fast enough so she rolls her hips against mine. I hiss at the contact as she crosses her arms over her chest waiting for my answer. "To be honest with you, I-I didn't expect this when you said it gets you a type of way. I expected you to get more shy or something" She starts cracking up still holding me in place. I feel myself getting turned on so I try to move but she moves herself in a more conflicting position. 'Girl this is not a game. You will LITERALLY have my kids if you don't slow your roll' my brain screams but I block it out. "Lauryn you should stop this before it gets out of hand" I say as calmly as I could to hide my nerves. She gives me a look I have only seen one other time from her and then hugs me deeply. I carry her bridal style to the shower. "Can we shower together? I think 'm too drunk to sha-wa alone" she says childlike and I shake my head. "I don't want to invade your privacy" she looks at me like I said the dumbest shit and pushes me under the shower head. "Oops your clothes are wet, might as well take them off" she smiles mischievously. I walk towards her until her back is on the wall of the shower. I start removing my clothes steadily to tease her. She is tracing my body with her glowing eyes nibbling away at her plump bottom lip that is now scarlet red. I was about to take my boxer briefs off but she grabbed my hands and her face has the look that got me hooked in the first place.

Lauryn's POV:

I smile triumphantly thinking I won this challenge but his face tells me otherwise. Austin walks towards me until my back is on the wall of the shower and starts to get undressed dangerously slow. My eyes won't move him from my sight and my tingling lip tells me that I'm going to lose my mind. I quickly removed his hands from his underwear giving him a look he should know by now. Austin pulls me up and wraps my legs around his waist as we kiss. I tug and pull gently at his curls and he let's out a moan so attractive I could go into cardiac arrest. "Why have you been holding back on me?" I joke but he grips my sides pressing me on the shower wall earning a long moan back from me. "Same reason you do, it's a setup" I am about to deny that when Orion's Belt by Sabrina Claudio comes on and my body starts moving to the beat. "You are probably right but I swear it's not on purpose" I laugh slightly and he joins in then we continue taking this intense make out session wherever it goes.

Melo's POV:

Katerina changed our date time to after hours which seemed suspicious. I hopped off the bus on Union Square and walked to Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar praying that I don't have to kick ass for being stood up. I arrive there ready to spazz when I see a ghost town.

To: Katerina 😉

From: Me

Remember that thing I told you about me growing up with a family of fighters? Try me if you want 😘💯.

I send the text and start pacing in front.

To: Me

From: Katerina 😉

Someone doesn't like surprises I see. I'll remember that for date number two (hopefully 🤞🏻❤). MB looks closed right? That means everything is going according to plan. Go inside love.

I walk in to see the most beautiful sight in front of me. The main room smells of fresh roses and chocolate; it also has light music playing in the background. I keep looking around until my eyes land on Katerina's fine self sitting at one of the tables. "Come here often?" She says attempting to flirt but I bust out laughing. She nervously laughs along as I walk up to her. "Stick to the quiet and sexy thing. Open flirting doesn't work for you" I giggle then kiss her cheek. With burning cheeks, she nods in agreement and we continue our date.

Katerina's POV:

I quickly get up to pull a seat out for Melo. She jumps at my suddenness and I apologize. "Are you ok?" She asks and before I can answer her I somehow front flip and kick the back of her neck accidentally. "Before I sock you in the throat do you want to explain what the hell is wrong with you!?" Melody asks with evidence that I'm screwing this up fast. "I-I" I grumble finding the right words as her patience is running thin by the second. "I haven't been on a proper date since high school alright? Even that date sucked but not because of me. I honestly have no idea what to do on these things" I rub my neck embarrassed getting ready for her to leave. Instead I feel her lift my head up and kiss me gently. "You could've said that before, I would have just thought of a simpler first date love." I smile and peck her lips thinking. "I am currently in culinary school and before that I earned my Associate of Applied Science degree right after high school" she looks adorable with confusion all over her face. "Basically I can cook you a nice meal, bring some chocolate and strawberries, then give you a massage after" I tell her to boost my sexy points but she looks upset now. "You mean to tell me that I took an hour and a half to get ready and be down here ON TIME when we literally could have stayed inside having chocolate covered strawberries, wine, good food, and no first date pressure from the jump? I would smack you but that might throw the deal out of the window so I'm just gonna" she scurries out of Max Brenner's as I crack up following her.

Lauryn's POV (continued):

"This mess of emotions got his body questioning
Is this feeling alright?" I'm sliding myself down his body at snail pace but he won't accept my teasing willingly. "I'm kind of shy in this department" He explains while avoiding eye contact. I shake my head and peck his bottom lip."I know that you're not used to this boy will you let me teach you
Your mind is asking for my love
And you just need to hear it. Try not to wander off too much
Don't let your feels control you
Keep you attentive with authentic kisses
Filled with amor" I keep showering him with light kisses to calm him down and it seems like it is working. Now he is kissing and biting down my body like he is reminiscing a good memory. "Watch it Austin Carter you don't want to activate a side you aren't able to tame, do you?" I try to get away from those intoxicating fluffy warm lips but he stops me without looking. "You were teasing me all night. Pay back time" Realization hits and I am frozen. The sounds of Sabrina Claudio in the background and the harmony of our moaning while he is handling business is driving me wild. This boy is going to have me addicted by the end of this night.

Katerina's POV:

We arrived at my hotel room and Melody seemed confused. "I'm remodeling my house so this is my home for a while" I explained. "You do mean actual remodeling right? Because the last person that told me they were remodeling was really homeless and didn't want me to know" she says in one breath and I am confused. "I got in an argument with that person today about it and I don't know how much I will have to apologize to be forgiven" I nod understanding. "If you guys care about each other then you won't have to do much apologizing. Everything will work out eventually" she pecks my cheek hopping a little from her small height. "So Ms. Masseuse, I'll pop open the bubbly while you work your magic" Melody wiggles her eyebrows at me and I can't help but like her more.

[A/N: I apologize for not updating sooner, seasonal depression REALLY increases the writer's block 🙄💯. Enjoy though ❤!]

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