Iron super adventures 18: season finale

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The final battle continues. After destroying the decepticon fleet, starscream still remains at large. This battle will decide the fate of the universe.

    "Guys, I say we give all we got, and I mean all we got." Starscream laughed. "Whatever you've got left, I can bounce right back at you!" "It's morphing time!" "Super iron mode, activate!" They suited up. "Super iron mode, ready!" "With the power of fire, super iron america!" "With the power of ice and stealth, super iron widow!" "God of Thunder, super iron Thor!" "Strong as a tree, super iron hulk!" "Fast as lightning, super iron quicksilver!" "Strong as a jedi, super iron wizard!" "Ever changing as the wind, super iron falcon!" "With the eye of a hawk, super iron Hawkeye!" Resilient as the sea, super iron Ant man!" "With the power of the sun, super iron man!" "With the power of magic, super iron witch!" "With the power of the mind, super iron vision!" "Through the power of the force, super iron knight!" All together. "Dinosaur might, ready to fight!" "Universal defenders!" "Never surrender!"

    Starscream charged. "We can't afford to hold anything back, let's go all out, every power, every mode we've got!" He threw the super iron charger and morphed into tri Stego mode. The battle began. Casey held out one of her legendary keys. "Legendary hero mode, justice league, let's hero up." She morphed into Wonder Woman. Allie held up one of her's. "Legendary hero mode, web warriors! Swing into action!" Destiny did the same. "Legendary hero mode, S.M.A.S.H! Let's smash!" The others morphed into other legendary heroes. Starscream was in for it now, but he was not scared. "Simple costume changes won't help you!" He started doing close combat. Each side tried their hardest, and neither side could get the upperhand. Jeremy and Casey fired elemental beams at him, which got deflected. "Did you not learn from last time? I am invincible!" "No ones truly invincible screamy, we'll find a way!" Jack eyed the clash, and suddenly came up with a plan that could potentially win the day. "Jeremy, Casey, stop the beams, I've got a plan." The elemental beams stopped. "Alright, Jeremy, Casey, keep him focused on you while the rest of us form two groups and set up on either side of him!" Jeremy thought for a sec. "I see where your headed, do it." They kept Starscream busy while the others put jack's plan into motion. A few seconds later, they had him right where they wanted him. "Alright everyone, let's give him everything we've got!" They fired, causing Starscream to extend a hand at each side. There by deflecting the blasts, and unknowingly ensuring his destruction. "Ha ha ha, your ammo is no match for my shields." "That's the idea, Jeremy Casey nows your chance, take the shot!" Starscream suddenly realized what he got himself into. "Uh-oh." "Ready Casey?" "Let's do this!" "Elemental final victory charge!" The beams of ice and fire combined into a super beam, headed straight for stascream. "No!!!!!!!!" Starscream hit. "Ahhhh, you may have defeated me, but you won't beat my army, they will finish you!!!!!!" Starscream blew into oblivion.

    "Army? What army?" Everyone turned and saw it. "Over there, minicons, there's must be millions of them!" "Indeed, that must be every single con left in the decepticons." "This can't be happening." "How can we beat an army this size?" "Definitely not alone, that for sure." They turned and saw padmé, and she was not alone by a long shot. Beside her was commander phasma of the Lego force. "Are we ready to kick some decepticon tailpipe or what?" "Commander phasma, you have not come at a better time, and by the way, how did you two meet?" "Tell you later, but right now, we have an army to stop, which reminds me, not only do we have the RRR army, but I've brought some major big time back up." A giant orb of light launched from the helicarrier, it split into dozens of smaller orbs and came down to surround the team, they changed form and before they knew it, they were surrounded by every single hero that came before them. "The justice League?!" "The agents of SMASH, the web warriors, agents of shield, young justice, the guardians of the galaxy?" "And the avengers!" "They're all here!" "Commander phasma you never cease to amaze me." "That's why I'm here." The ghost forms of captain America and black widow appeared. "Hello guys." "Boy are we happy to see you." "Wanna take the lead and win this?" Jeremy looked at his team mates. "Ready guys?" "This is it." "Then it's morphing time!" They activated their ironizers. "Avengers assemble!" "Magical source, iron force!" They suited up just as the minicons reached them. "Ok guys, let's finish this once and for all!" They attacked, taking down minicons 100 at a time. "This is insane, I never thought we'd get to fight alongside the actual legendary heroes!" "Seriously, I'm so pumped up, I don't even need to power up!" "We can finally win this war, they're dropping like flies!" "And like flies, I swatted a couple dozen more!" At one point, the bypassers found themselves together. "Let's show these clankers some Bypasser family power!" They unleashed their full fury on the minicons, taking out a few thousand. Mere minutes after that, there were only a few hundred left. "Ok guys, let's end this for good!" They combined their weapons. "Dynamic victory charge!" They fired, direct hit, the last of the minicons blew to smithereens. "Woohoo." "Yes." "Now that was legendary, and we have some new friends to thank for it." They caught up with legendary heroes. "We can't thank you enough." "No, thank you, the universe is safe again." "You've more then lived up to the legacy we left, and we couldn't be anymore proud." "We'll always be with you." "Well, time for us to leave again." Captain America and black widow vanished while the rest turned into energy orbs that A launched to the stars and B knocked the super iron avengers off their feet. As the orbs glided away, the team started to celebrate their victory. "It's really over?!" They couldn't believe it. "Man, I forgot how blue the skies were without that decepticon warship." "Ditto, when you landed in that hanger Jeremy, I did not think you two would come out." "To be honest, neither did I." The team got back on their feet. "So, what happens now?" "We go home, and wait until we're needed again." They walked off.

    In deep space, a very familiar ship came out of hyperspace. "Sir, we've returned." "Excellent, at last, the FOIS shall rise again!"

And so it was, the prophecy fulfilled, and the galaxy was safe, for now, stay tuned as the adventure continues in iron adventures: return of the FOIS.

To be continued.

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