Part Three - Chapter Three

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Todomatsu glared at the door to the attic as Karamatsu left him alone to ponder over his misbehavior. Such simple intentions the priest had, but they would never ever work on the little boy. He was too 'intelligent' for his own good.

Todomatsu turned on the old lantern in the attic, holding it's rusted 'body' close to his face. Gazing into the flame, the 'heart' of the lantern, Todomatsu began to feel as if his own heart were on fire.

"How dare Karamatsu shame me like that!" Todomatsu snapped, stomping his foot on the floor. He secretly wished it would have left a hole in the old, moldy wooden floorboards. Sadly, his wish didn't come true. The disgusting boards were magically strong enough.

"I hate everything here!" Todomatsu screamed out, tears beginning to well up in his eyes. "I HATE LIVING LIKE THIS! I DON'T WANT TO BE IN THIS ATMOSPHERE ANYMORE!"

A dog began to howl in the distance, frightened by Todomatsu's cries of anguish and despair. The little boy had never felt so alone in his life.

First, he was rejected by his teachers and classmates. Now, he was being rejected by his own guardian. Life certainly wasn't being kind to the young boy.

Todomatsu turned off the lantern, ignoring his longing to throw it onto the floor and just burn the entire house down. If he did such, the fire could possibly even spread over to the church. Everyone would really hate the child then.

Moonlight peacefully shone through a small window that looked out towards the street.

Sighing, Todomatsu crept towards the window, the old floorboards creaking, cracking, and snapping loudly beneath his feet.

It was getting quite chilly up in the attic, though the young boy knew he wouldn't be in there long. He smelled something.

As he was in front of the window, he pressed his ear against the ice, cold glass. He could hear someone playing the piano from a nearby house. From time to time, he could hear a single violin join in as well. The music, for one thing, was something Todomatsu enjoyed.

Ever since he was little, he would sit out in the graveyard some nights, listening to an old couple across the street play classical pieces from the romantic era.

Often, the pieces would express deep sorrows, mixing joy and love in throughout. Truly, the old couple's music was the single reason as to why Todomatsu remained somewhat sane to this very day.

An overwhelmingly sweet scent took control of Todomatsu's nostrils, filling the entire, cold, smelly attic, too.
Street lamps flickered on and off, soon going completely dark. The music was cut short. Strangely, the moon hid behind a dark cloud as whispers began to creep through the young boy's mind.

"Kill yourself."

"Nobody wants you here."


"If you were really worth loving, Karamatsu would have made that clear to you by now, would he not?"

"Life is only going to get worse from here, kiddo. Better run away from the church while you have the chance."

Todomatsu grabbed his head, crying out as he crouched down to the ground. Vigorously, he shook his head back and forth, trying to rid himself of all the negative voices filling his mind.

Completely oblivious to another being dwelling with him in the attic now, Todomatsu cried and cried, showing more sadness than he had in his entire life. At least, that was how he felt.

"I'm alone. I'm vulnerable. I'm garbage. I'm useless. I don't need to live- I should just kill myself..." the young boy thought.

Lightly, the being tapped Todomatsu on the shoulder. He grinned devilishly as he drew a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it.

"Todomatsu!" Osomatsu smirked, giving the boy a gently kick in the ribs. "What happened to you? Did you feel my powers?"

Todomatsu stared up at Osomatsu, tears running down his rosy cheeks. And to the man's surprise, the little boy threw himself around his legs, hugging them tightly.

"Osomatsu help me!" Todomatsu cried, clinging to the man's legs tightly. "I'm so tired of being all alone!"

"Now now..." Osomatsu soothed the little boy, as he lifted him up off the ground, holding him in his arms. "I'm here for you now, remember? You don't have to be alone anymore, my little Totty."

Todomatsu ignored the nickname Osomatsu had given him, crying even harder into the man's dress coat. Snot and other goo from the child's nose was beginning to ruin the jacket, but neither of them seemed to mind too much.

"Is there anyone out there bothering you at your school?" Osomatsu asked, his voice smoother than silk.

Todomatsu nodded his head, sniffing loudly as Osomatsu gently placed him back on the floor. The two sat down across from each other, beginning to discuss the young boy's school life.

"Are you bullied by this person?" Osomatsu pushed as he stripped off his dress coat.

Todomatsu nodded his head. "They all give me a hard time because I'm the smartest one there."

"I see..." Osomatsu rubbed under his nose, chuckling a little. "Do you know the name of one of the children you wish would just disappear?"

Todomatsu gazed around the dark attic, pondering over such a question. He wanted all of the children in the town to disappear. Perhaps then Karamatsu would show him some sort of love and appreciation.

"Yui..." Todomatsu whispered, thinking of the young girl who constantly visited Karamatsu, always forcing him to help her with her homework. This girl definitely needed to go. She was too special in the eyes of Karamatsu.

"Ah, I can see her in your mind," Osomatsu grimaced. "She's quite a holy one, isn't she? Tries to be perfect whenever she has the chance, but only in the eyes of adults?"

Todomatsu nodded his head.

Osomatsu loosened his black tie and ran his fingers through his hair. Then, he held out his hand to Todomatsu. "Is it a deal?"

Todomatsu laughed a little, evil clawing at his core. He smacked his hand into Osomatsu's, shaking it. "It's a deal."

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