My letter to.....Damien

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To my dearest brother Damien,

Thank you,  

Thank you for all the help you have given me. Thank you for when I was down making me smile. When things got hard for me, you were there, giving me guidance. You try so hard to help people.

So many things have happened, yet you still stand here tall and strong. You have never judged others. You always stick by other even through hard times. You are a saviour..

And right now, to me, you are my saviour..

Hey, remember something for me okay? Promise me you will remember?

----> That I love you no matter what! And you keep the things that you love. Tell those people that mean a lot to you that you love them everyday. Cause you never know when they might not be there...Live life to the fullest, put your hands up and dance, have fun at parties with baby bro. Live life to the fullest. Stay positive, Stay strong. You have in it you, you have all along.

Remeber that Hazel and Travey will be with you. Remember that love can never truly die. And their's and my love for you will never end. The flame will never die.

You are always there for anyone. I wish I was like you...

But thank you for giving me someone to love, someone to care for and someone who I know loves me...

You will always be in my heart, in my mind and in my soul. I will never forget you.

I am sorry for being weak. And I am sorry for all my mistakes.

I hope, that one day, you will forgive me...

Thank you for being there for me.

Remember I love you.

Always have and no matter what, Always will

Your little sister


P.S. I love you Big bro. I love you

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