1st "Secrets of the old world"

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It was during winter, everything was covered in white-bluish snows. Everyone was walking around the town wearing their most thick coats to avoid frost bites. A group of children decided to walk on the frozen river and some wanted to skate above it let the minimum warmth of sun light touches their puffy cheeks.

"Come on! Don't be afraid, the ice on river is so thick. It could handle our weight."

The children happily skate around the river.

"Are you sure? My uncle said that many people died especially children because they tend to walk around here. They said this river is a bad luck and hates children who play carelessly on it."

"That's just a rumour! Your uncle only wants to scare you off Y/N. Come on!" the other girl giggles.

Y/N's friend pulled her in the center of the river while she was trying to steady her shaky legs, worrying that something bad might happen to them.

"See? Try to skate now. You can do it!"

Y/N chuckles "Yeah."

Her worries washed away as Y/N enjoys sliding around the river, little did she know that she's approaching a part of the river that is fragile and ready to crack.

"Y/N!!! Don't go too far away!"

" I'm fine don't worry!"

She slides another one until the ice breaks in an instant, she dropped her body under the freezing water and shouting her lungs out to call for a help.

Y/N started to choke "Some..one please...Help me!!!!"

Her lower body starts to feel numb and she starts have difficulty in breathing since the very cold water is burning her chest.

The people around the river saw the situation and hurriedly calls for a help, Y/N is crying out loud to escape the deadly hole. She lost her energy and slowly sinking under the river.

But then the water surrounding her suddenly freezes, stopping her to sink deeper. She tried to open her eyes but everything seems blurry, she felt someone grabbed her body with very cold hands, lifting her up.

" Thank...you... (Gasping for some air)...Who are you mister?"

Based on the blurred figure, Y/N could tell that it's a man, but the person walks away.

"So cold....(coughs) Thank you again mister."

After that, a rescuer rushed carefully to get Y/N since they're trying not to make big cracks on the river that could cause death on civilians. Someone checks on the hole.

The rescuer asked "Child, are you alright? Where does it hurt?"

One folks person approached as well "Hey, look at this. There's only frozen hole in the river and it looks like a bag sack, there was no crack in it. How possibly could this happen? I thought the girl sunk below?"

They begin to wonder about the rare phenomenon in the river having a frozen hole despite that the river's surface is flat when the winter occurred.

"Little girl, you are so lucky that the winter saved your life."

Y/N whispered in her tiny voice "His hand...was so cold...."

Y/N spend her years of learning ancient scriptures, artefacts and old books that tells their country's untold history and secrets of this world. She works as a professor in a prestige university. Currently she tours her students inside the national library.

1st Book: Suga The Winter FairyWhere stories live. Discover now