Is This Family?

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"She is so cute" laxus whispered to his head.


"master the siblings are here" Mirajane said shouting.

" bring them here" master said.

*the siblings were going through the master*.

"Hello my name is spirit Luna minerva, I'm the creator of fairy tail I don't age cause I am a goddess"spirit said with a smile.

" She is so cute" Rogue whispered to himself.

Spirit is only a fan made character cause it is not fair that Rogue doesn't have a ship.

"Everyone come gather on the stage we have a new comrades"Spirit said shouting.

" You have to tell us your names, age, magic and Relationship "spirit said to the Dragonslayer siblings.

"You first Laxus Dragneel" spirit said pushing laxus to the stage.

"Hello my name is Laxus Dragneel, I'm 20 years old, my magic is Lightning Dragon slayer,and I'm single, and I am the first of my siblings" Laxus said Nervously.

"You're turn Rouge " spirit said pushing rough to the stage.

"Hello my name is Rouge Dragneel, I'm 19 years old, my magic is shadow dragonslayer and I'm single and I'm the 2nd of my siblings"Rouge said nervously.

" You're turn Sting"spirit said while pushing sting to the stage.

"Hello my name Sting Dragneel, I'm 18 years old, my magic is a white dragonslayer, and I'm single, and I'm the 3rd of my siblings and I just want to ask a question is this family?" Sting said nervously.

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