{^*Chapter One: A Lone Heart, A Lone Soul.*^}

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^*Victoria's POV*^

             I woke up abruptly and grabbed my phone, ;"2;30 AM? Seriously? Whatever, i'll just stay up for a few hours."; I thought to myself. I got up quietly and walked to the bathroom. As i looked in the mirror i saw nightshade falling from my eyes and my eyes were turning red. ;"Ugh, Not Again."; I thought. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of pills and took them. ;"Hopefully This Works.."; I Thought as i went back to my room.

{Time Skip Brought To You By Me Flipping Over A Table (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀) ╯︵ ┻─┻}

"Ugh... What time is it...?" I question myself as i rub my eyes. I grab my phone and check the time,I 6:50 AM I. ;"Looks like i fell asleep... I should start getting ready."; I thought as i got up off my bed. I walk downstairs to the bathroom and brush my teeth. "Good, the nightshade is gone." I mumble to myself as i continue to brush my teeth. As soon as i'm done i head back to my room and put on my black turtle neck and my 2 favorite necklaces and my back jeans with a corset design in the back on my calves as well as my giant FOX hoodie. "All good, just need to grab my tablet and put it in my bag and grab my Bluetooth headphones and redo my pony tail and i'm set." I say to myself once again. I find my tablet and earbuds and put them in my galaxy backpack. I grab my phone and put on some music and put my Bluetooth headphones on. As i'm about to walk out the door to start heading to school i spot a cutting knife on my kitchen counter. :"I'll just take this.."; i think as i grab the knife and put it in my bag and start walking to school.

When i arrive to the gym and sit down on the bleachers to wait for breakfast to start i turn off my music and take out my tablet and earbuds and watch YouTube for a while as i wait for my only friend to arrive. 

After about 20 Mins my friend arrive and hesitantly sits next to me. "Hey, can i talk to you, alone? In the hallway?" My friend asks me. "Uh, sure." i say has we walk outside the gym and into the empty hallway. "So, i feel really bad about this but i don't feel save around you anymore, ever since you got that tattoo i haven't felt safe. I'm sorry." She says as she walks away. 

"No... not again... this cannot happen again!" I semi-yell as rage grows within me and i rampage towards her...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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