Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was a quiet Tuesday morning at Malibu Beach Obstetrics until James, a husband and nervous father-to-be walked in with his expectant wife, Peta. Breathing heavily and visibly shaking his legs up and down repeatedly, James began asking Peta question after question.

"What if there's no heartbeat?! What if the machine breaks and we won't be able to hear the heartbeat?! What if there's more than one?! What if....." James asked barely taking a breath between questions.

Peta ran her hand down the back of James' head, rubbing his neck as she finally interrupted him, "James, calm down. It's gonna be okay. The doctors know what they're doing and it'll be fine. Jesus you're gonna pass out on me already and we haven't even gotten into the exam room yet!" Peta said, now laughing at how ridiculous yet cute her husband was being.

He was typically not a nervous guy but this experience was definitely rattling him. Usually he was the one to calm Peta down, but today the roles were reversed. She was handling it all like a pro with beauty and grace. It was their first appointment with Dr. Stone and even though Peta wasn't showing her emotions for once in her life, she was about ready to throw up, not only from her nerves but from being pregnant. Hearing the nurse call Peta's name, neither she or James knew what to expect as they walked hand in hand down the hallway.

Peta's hands covered her face as it blushed. "Oh. My. Gosh. Are you sure this isn't broken?"

James and the nurse began laughing as Peta remained in shock at how much weight she had already gained in just a short time. After taking her vitals and a few short notes the nurse left the room to let the doctor know they were ready.

"Sexy look you got goin on there." James said with a wink as Peta sat on the exam table swinging her legs back and forth.

She laughed at the very unglamorous look she was sporting but then the door flung open and a hand stretched out to shake Peta's hand.

"Hi Mrs. Maslow, I'm Dr. Jennifer Stone." Turning to James she shook his hand as well and said, "And Mr. Dad I presume?"

Chuckling he responded, "Yeah, James to be exact."

Under her breath Peta said, "A nervous wreck is more like it."

Giving Peta a small, playful grin he watched his wife lie down on the exam table. As Dr. Stone lifted the gown, Peta's growing belly was visible which put James in a short trance. Hearing his wife laugh and talk to the doctor he stared at the precious bump that Peta was protecting with all that she had.

"You're measuring just right for how far along you are. Lovely." Dr. Stone said happy yet with a bit of concern. "With your petite size we have to make sure you're eating right, drinking lots of fluids, resting and helping that baby grow as much as possible."

Pointing to her husband Peta said, "This one watches me like a hawk. I swear he's the pregnancy police, always checking to see if what I eat is healthy, giving me ice water like it's going out of style and oh yeah.... Just being typical James. Protective and caring, just the way I like him."

Turning slightly to look at James Dr. Stone said, "It's good you have such a supportive husband by your side. Makes my mind at ease knowing you and this little one are being taken care of properly."

"Just give me a cape cuz I'm Super Dad." James said making the two women burst into laughter.

"Okay, here we go....." Dr. Stone said as James heard the sound he had been so anxious to hear. "Is that?......"

His words trailed off as he held his wife's hand. Tears filled his eyes instantly hearing their baby's rapid and strong heartbeat. "Wow...."

Bending down, James gave Peta a kiss on the lips as the sonogram began. With the lights dim and a death grip between their hands, mother and father to be got the first glimpse of their miracle.

Wiping tears from both his face and Peta's, they watched as picture after picture was taken and printed off. Dr. Stone looked pleased with what she saw, turned to them and said, "Congratulations mom and dad. Happy and healthy in mommy's tummy."

A sad sigh came from James as he asked, "We can't find out the sex of the baby yet?"

Shaking her head Dr. Stone said, "Sadly no. It's too early in the pregnancy."

This time hugging Peta, Dr. Stone said her goodbyes instructing the mom to be to make an appointment in a few months unless any problems arose. Unable to know if they were having a boy or a girl James still sat pleased with finding only one heartbeat and a healthily growing baby. He examined the pictures from the sonogram repeatedly as he waited for Peta to get dressed. He was giddy like a child on Christmas with a massive smile on his face, making Peta kiss him passionately with joy.

"A baby in February." She said to her husband as they practically skipped out of the doctor's office.

"Our valentine baby. Wouldn't that be appropriate? A baby we created out of our love for one another born on Valentines Day. Come on. That would be perfect." James said as he helped Peta in their car while they both pondered what day the baby would actually be born on.

Climbing into the driver's seat James took one look at his wife who was eyeing the Dairy Queen just across the street. "Have no fear, super hero dad will get you there!!"

Laughing at her adorably sweet husband Peta patted his shoulder saying, "You want that cape don't you?"

"Yep. I gotta be able to protect and serve you and our little one here." James said rubbing his wife's belly gently.

"Okay, well you can do that by driving to Dairy Queen Mr. Superhero dad." Peta said waving her finger to get him to drive faster.

Giving her a sweet yet shocked look on his face James said, "Goodness Pete. You're a demanding little thing aren't you?"

"Demanding or not you still love me." She said holding tightly onto his hand that rested against her chest as she kissed him on the cheek.

"You're the mother of our child. There are no words to describe the joy and pride that gives me." He said seeing Peta's eyes well up with tears.

"OUR child. I like the sound of that. You know what sounds even better right now....." Peta asked while being interrupted.

"Ice cream. First big craving of your pregnancy but I have to say I'm rather enjoying it." James said not realizing that as the months went on he would be making many special trips to Dairy Queen and the grocery store.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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