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The rain splattered against my window. Each drop slowly falling down as it poured. It was a rather depressing night as the sky was filled with rage and it didn't seem like it would ever end.

I touched the window and took in a deep breath.

Another lonely night in a big castle.

Sure I had my friends and family but it wasn't the same. Without him it was always off. Everything always felt different it felt cold sleeping alone. I remembered the warm touch of his bare chest against my body as he use to cuddle into me.

I'm not sure if he felt the same way I did but I felt like I couldnt go on much longer without him. One year was full of hope. Two years that hope began to slowly disappear. The third year it was filled with doubt. Now going into the fourth I can no longer handle it.

I could no longer stay here and hope for his return. I couldn't sit here in the castle like a princess waiting for her prince.

I had to get out there. I had to be brave and find my way to him. No longer would I sit and wait.

I stepped away from the window and headed back over to my bed. Slowly sitting down I got under the blankets and curled up into a ball. I felt tears begin to form in my eyes. Things were getting harder to bare.

I sniffled a bit rubbing away the tears. It felt like I couldn't speak at all. My voice was trapped away and it felt as if I'd cry the moment I did.

I closed my eyes shut and tried to sleep. I'd find away to find him tomorrow.


I sleepily opened up my eyes as my name was being called.


I jumped up out of bed and looked around me. I quickly wiped my eyes and looked around the room. My sister Veronica stood at the edge of my bed smiling.

"What..?" I asked confused.

"Come on Dad wants to talk to you..." She said with a straight face.

"What about...?" I asked nervously.

"Some good and bad news you should just go see him and let him explain." I nodded my head cautiously and Veronica left the room.

I got up off the bed and stumbled over to my closet. I pulled out my yellow dress and changing out of my pjs I put it on.

I hurried over the door and made my way out of the room. Racing down the hall I could hear my father talking in the distance. I ran faster and faster and into the throne room. My father sat on top of his throne and waved everyone away when he saw me. I stopped in front of him and he gave me a smile.

"Good morning." He said smiling.

"Good morning Father." I replied.

"We need to have a talk."

"Yes?" I asked confused.

"We are going to finally close the demon portal."

I stared at him in shock.

"No you can't..." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth but we have too." He said getting up from his throne.

"Its to keep the demons away-"

"But they haven't been back in years!" I shouted.

"Elizabeth!" He yelled even louder.

"This is for the sake of the kingdom! Do you not care about it?!"

"But Mel-"

"Hes gone Elizabeth. Hes been gone for 3 years he's not coming back..." Father said sighing.

He stopped in front of me and wrapped his hands around me. I stood still and wrapped my arms back around him.


He let go of me and looked me in the eyes. I gave him a fake smile and he smiled back.

"Ata girl now return to your room we will discuss things later."

"Wait but Veronica said you had good news?" I asked giving a clueless expression.

"Oh yes thats right, I wanted to let you know that tomorrow we are going to the kingdom of Camelot. You will be staying there while we finish closing up the portal but while you are there you will get to go sight seeing!"

I stared at him blankly.

That was the good news. The good new was that I'd get to go site seeing?! I smiled again and nodded my head.

"Go along now child."

I turned around and exited the room. I stopped near the doorway and hid off to the side. I could hear my father calling someone into the room as I left.

"Make sure she doesn't go near the portal."

Meliodas x Elizabeth ♡Missing♡Where stories live. Discover now