Toko Fukawa x Yandere!Reader

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I watched as the long haired brunette entered the room from the closet.

Toko chan!!!

"Ah Byakuya san is so handsome"Toko moaned.

I walked in the room and playfully asked,"Hey Toko chan,do you like me?"

"hm,No-Maybe,my feelings belong to byakuya!"She shrieked.

"I was just playin' Toko.Chill"I waved out the room.

As soon as I left tears streamed down my face.I wiped my eyes and walked to byakuya's room.The door opened at the ultimate heir.

"Hello Togami san,may I come in?"I smiled.

He let out a hmph and I proceeded to walk in.

"What?"He asked arrogantly.

What does she see in this guy?  

"Oh I was wondering,do you by any chance like Toko?"I moved my hand behind my back.

"With her disgusting stench of course not."He looked away.

"Okay"I walked to the door.

"Anything else?"He asked.

"Oh yeah one more  thing.Even if you did like her,she's mine"I leaned forward almost tripping when I pulled out a knife from behind my back and dragged him to the floor.

"What are you doing?Get off me!"Togami yelled forgetting his walls were sound proof.

"I'm going to have my toko!"I laughed.

My knife met with byakuya's chest killing him.I kept stabbing him over,and,over,and over,and,over.I cleaned myself and wrote a note to toko to meet me in the gym saying the note was from Togami.I walked into the gym with a rope.

"What are you doing here?!Where's Byakuya?!"Toko shrieked.

"He's not coming.I just wanted to give you this gift."I walked behind Toko.

Before she could turn around I grabbed her hand and ran onto the  stage.

"What are you doing you idiot (Talent)!?'She grunted.

I tied the rope around her neck an watched as she choked on the blood dripping from her mouth.

"Good night sweet literary."I smiled.

I tied the rope to a bar up on the stage.

Time Skip to Class Trial:

"And that Culprit is you,Aoi Asahina!"Makoto yelled. (My donut baby nuuuu)

"No!It wasn't me Naegi!"Aoi yelled.

"I think we're all ready to vote now"Kirigiri stated.

"Upupupu very well"Monokuma laughed.

"And you all guessed Wrong!"

"What?"Makoto asked.

"I told you it wasn't me-Dumbnut!"Asahina crossed her arms.

"Then who was it?"Kirigiri asked.

"It was the one and only,y/n l/n!"

"Yep,I did it all for my precious Toko"I smirked.

"Punishment time!"Monokuma laughed.

I was brought out the school and waved goodbye to my classmates.Then I watched the final execution as the students stood inside the building as their favorite places.The building was destroyed and I escaped hope's peak academy.

The end

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