Sparky T

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The room was covered in smoke, all my people were choking on it, "Take a hit from the bong" said Karl, it was the most expensive thing the dealer had! and it was worth it!

Me, Karl and Nate were friends from birth, Nate being the smallest and the only one with dreadlocks. Me and Karl are brothers, twins actually, you can tell though, he has a pony tail and I have an afro, we look nothin' like eachother!

Last month our 'dealer' Sparky T. pulled up the on us the old 5'o on us.

Me and the gang met up in our usual place, this abandoned factory on the port of L.A, we were supposed to meet with Spark, we waited for hours, he told us he had the best stuff he made since "Crazy Max" (which almost got me to force an old woman to stab a dog) so I especially wanted to try it. two hours later we heared a loud noise and some sirens, we saw two police choppers in the sky and suddenly we had police cars all around us "we're screwed" whispered Karl as we got into a circle and got out our pistols which we carry on us every time we meet up with Sparky just incase, hes never been someone you should trust, "Put down your guns and give up" one of the police officers shouted! I took the first shot, I shot the driver of one of the choppers, it span out of control and smashed into the water and exploded, the water splashed so hard, we got a bit wet! the pigs started shooting us with shooting with Assault Rifles as we ran as quickly to the closest wall, we all took cover but one of the police shot Nate in the leg and he fell, he started screaming as the salt water from his clothes went into the womb, one of the police officers came upto the wall we was at and he flipped the gun out of my hand and got me against the floor, Nate grabbed hold of the pigs leg and the officer pointed the Assault Rifle at Nate, giving me time to grab his gun and shoot him in the face, blood splattered all over Nate, it wasnt his day, I scavenged some ammunition from his pocket and found a pistol, i gave it to Karl, i grabbed his knive for a melee weapon, Karl snatched the knife off me and looked at me in discust, then he looked at the officer and back at me, he stabbed the officer in the kneck, blood was bursting everywhere getting us covered in it, he continued putting the knife through the kneck until the whole head, his vocal cord was split in half and hanging from the head, he made a little hole in his head, then grabbed a grenade off his belt and stuck it in the head, he cooked the granade and threw the head at the officers, the officers looked at the head in confusion and aimed at it as it was ticking, suddenly we heared a loud explosion and saw a car bumper fly past us.

The helicopter that was still in the sky came lower so he could see us under the building i heard a mini-gun like noise spur up and we all legged it into the main road where cars where passing, one of the cars stopped for me and I slided over the bonnet of the sports car as Nate and Karl ran past it, with police sirens in the background we knew we was screwed, luckily we all knew the are where we was, after running from the police for around five minutes we came accross an abandoned apartment block, we tried to open every other door, on the sixth floor there was a door what was opened, so Nate covered the door for us with his pistol, Karl was looking for equipment for us in the apartment and I had my Assault Rifle out through the window spraying every pig I saw after doing so for about half an hour my brother came past an ammo box with some ammunition i needed for my gun, a couple minutes later a chopper came with a sniper hanging out the door, I and him was looking at eachother in suprise, he turned to the driver shot him and jumped from the chopper to the apartment, but he didnt make it, he was holding on to the ledge with one hand, i helped him up "yo homie, watcha' doin' working for the po-po?" he is Frankie my only white friend i aint seen him since tenth grade he was my first dealer, the last time i saw him was at school on a wednesday, it was a normal english lesson and one of the teachers took him out of lesson, since then no one saw him, there was crap ton of rumours going around about him " Mr.Longden took him hostage and killed him" or "He ran away from school and never came back" i didnt believe any one of the rumours. " I got forced to, Mr.Longden said that hed raither kill me if i didnt, and you know he would of, i dont even know why he would do so. He killed him self that day infront of me" he replied."alright anyway we need to get out of here!" I exclaimed. He got out his phone and rang the police "Hey its 4269101 I have executed the three drug addicts, please call off the search" We heared the police sirens go off and car engines go farther and farther away, we all looked at eachother and started screaming in content "But what about Sparky T?" asked Nate "Shouldnt we 'take care' of him?" None of us actually knew where Sparky lived, the only time we have been there when we was high, and it looked like loads of clouds and fairies, "we have to look for him in the records" Karl pointed out "but only the police have them" Nate said, we all looked at Frankie and smiled, he sighed and looked up in distress, we all headed to the port to get my car, but as we expected there was some police men still there, so we snook up behind them, there was three at the back, I, Nate and Frankie took them out by strangling them with our guns as Karl went to kill the one at the front with his knife he stole from me, we all strapped bricks we found on the floor to the bodies from the belts and threw the bodies in the sea, I got in the drivers seat of my blood-covered, bullet-shot car as Karl got in the passanger seat and the rest of the crew got in the back, we turned the radio to 100% all the way home to the hideout, we got home and got my 'mission board' out and started planning how to get Sparks real details, the only problem is that we dont know his real name, oh and the fact we have to sneak into a highly-secured police station!

Our plan is to sneak in through an air vent at the top of the building and somehow get to a pc and access the details, we are lucky we've got Frankie for this one, hes the only one who knows how to access the files.

"Rise and shine bitches!" Karl exclaims at like five o'clock at the morning "what the hell man, it's like five in the mornin' man" I reply, we all got changed into our 'super sneaku outfits' (technically a ski mask and a black shirt) of course we gotta get our weapons, Karl with his melee weapons, Nate with his silenced pistols, I with my slienced pistol and a gold plated knife with my dads name on it which my dad gave me on his death bed, and Frankie ofcourse with his logic and the skills to access the system itself.

So we climb to the top of the building with a ladder that is stuck to the wall and shoot each of the bolts that hold the vent on the roof, it opens, I go in first followed by Frank, Nate, Karl. as we go past a few room we see the main computer room, it was dark and the only lights where the glooming dull lights of the computer monitors. because of them I can see three shadows of some police men, all three look at one of the pc's and there the chance for Karl to go in with his knife and killed one of them, i shot both of the other ones with my silenced pistols we all get out of the air vent carefully and let Frankie get to work, we hear some whistling of an officer come into the building i aim at the entrance hes coming into, so does Nate and when he comes in I run upto him, knock him out with my gun and hide his body in the corner of the room, "come on man when will you be finished" I asked Frankie "Soon man, im looking for the records of 'Sparky T' it doesnt say his address though" " So we did all this for nothin'?" asked Nate "mmm technically, yes" so we all came out through the vent again, but as we got through

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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