Prologue: Mate at the wedding -Sequel to The Werewolf in my English Class-

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Jenn’s P.O.V.

Kyle sat beside me as I caressed my growing belly. He stared at my hand and I could feel that he was jealous. He was thrilled about the baby, or babies, for the ultrasound told us there were three, but he was sad that I paid more attention to the tiny people in my stomach than to him.

I looked at him and he quickly looked away. I leaned in and kissed him on the check, making him smile contently. I looked ahead, my hand still on my stomach and looked straight into Justin’s eyes.

We had gotten together to discuss some of the wedding details but we had been silent for a while now, leaving comfortable silence. I smiled at Justin and he smiled back. His smile was as kind as ever but there was something missing, there had been something missing for quite some time now. And I knew what it was. It was his own mate. He had supported us all the way and now, with the children on their way and the wedding around the corner, he had time to think about the fact that he had yet to find a person to share all of this with.

Kyle and I had discussed the subject multiple times and had thought of ways to find his mate but we knew it wouldn’t work. There were billions of women on the world, how would we find that one person that was his mate and take her here? There was nothing we could actually do.

One of the babies moved, making the other two move as well. I giggled from the funny feeling it gave and Kyle knew right away what was happening, he laid his hands on my stomach and I directed his hands to the right spot. I also grabbed Justin’s hand and let him feel the movement. Kyle looked at me while he felt his children. The look in his eyes was priceless, father, lover and friend, all of those were gleaming in his eyes as he thought about the future. Justin seemed mostly proud to become an uncle. We had named him godfather and told him we would give him the uncle title as well. Since Kyle and I were both only children and we wanted them to have uncles and aunts. He had looked so happy and proud when we told him, and we were happy to see him that way.

Justin moved his hands away when the movements stopped but Kyle held them there and I laid my head against his shoulder.

“When are you going to buy a dress?” Kyle asked me. I had bought a dress, but the pregnancy, and the way of being pregnant made me unable to wear the one I had chosen. Only two months ago I found out I was pregnant and only a with only 3 weeks until the wedding and about 5 weeks until the birth, my stomach was swollen quite a bit.

Werewolf babies grow extremely fast.

The time frame was no problem, one of the advantages of being the mate to the werewolf king of America was that he owns so much money that the dress will be their main assignment until it’s completed and everything I wished for.

“Soon, Justin will take me a few towns over so they won’t recognize me and be surprised about my huge stomach. Justin what date would suit you?” I asked Justin.

“Any, I don’t have anything to do really.” He said.

“Why can’t I come again?” Kyle asked.

“It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.” I told him once more. He hated me being away, he told me it reminds him of the time I ran away from him after making him be kicked in the groin by his best friend. It also reminded him of Alexander and the remaining threat that he might return.

“Ah…” He said with obvious disappointment. I knew it hurt him but he would have to get used to it. I loved him deeply but he had his job and I would soon have the children to take care of, I couldn’t be with him all the time.

“Relax, Justin’s with me.”

“Justin taking you does not make me feel relaxed, last time he flew you four states away from me!” He said with a growl.

The Mate at the Wedding (sequel to "The Werewolf in my English Class")Where stories live. Discover now