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The sun broke through the curtains, beaming into the lidded (e/c) orbs that wished to stay closed. The disturbance causing a soft groan to escape the woman's throat as she winced and turned over.

(H/c) strands spread over her face furthering her annoyance as strands tickled her nose. All she wanted was a few more moments in her dream before she'd have to face the cruel world outside.

She sighed finally sitting up, her joints popping from hours of rest. Stretching as she swung her legs over the side of her bed, greeting the chilled air as she escaped her warm haven.

Brushing the strands of hair away from her face she reached her phone with her free hand to check the time as well as any messages she may had missed from any of her night owl friends.

[7:46 AM]

3 new messages

The bright screen saidas she squinted at it. Her vision slowly focusing as she unlocked her phone and checked them.

S.A- Hey

S.A- I figured you wouldn't be up. Sometimes I wonder how you sleep so easily...

S.A- Any more interesting dreams you have to tell me today?

the messages said. An hour apart each. A wave of guilt hit the woman as she couldn't have responded to her friend of many years. And the man of her dreams.

This woman as (Y/N) (L/N) an owner of a small hero agency that usually harbored the less flashy heroes this world had to offer. She went to U.A for her studies to gain such an agncy and met her closst friend in the process.

Shota Aizawa. Also known as the pro hero Eraserhead. An odd sleep deprived hero that she managed to befriend thanks to his other overly obnoxious classmate.

She clicked her screen to start typing out a new message. It had became ritual for her to share her odd dreams with the man as he was one of those people who never really had them.

Why did he care to read them? He was rather curious, much like the animal he loves, to hear how dreams could usually be like. Always finding it odd how they stemmed far from reality and yet there was the saying of how dreams can come true.

She paused her typing, hinking for a moment as she blushed remembering her dream.

One of the embarassing things that happen to her is how often she'd dream of him returning her feelings that she harboured for him since their UA years.

And everytime she had to make updetails to change the dream knowing well he'd know she'd be lying if she told him she didn't have one.

(First and Second Initials)- Ah sorry I was dead asleep. I hope you got a little rest t least. Hm... I had oneof those weird romantic dreams again.The guy was riding a giant cat though... nd he threw a rope to pull me up unto the cat and we rode off into the sunset...

she sent it giggling slightly at the stupidity behind the dream itself. Setting down her phone and proceeding to get ready for the day. She was glad she was having a day off or else she'd be hurrying to get ready.


The sudden noise caused her to jump. It cut through the silence of her empty home rather unexpectedly. But she knew what it could be as she approached her phone and unlocking it once again.

S.A- I'm sort of jealous he was riding a cat. Though the dream is rather stupid to be something romanic...

She hummed, she purposely left out details that made it romantic. She knew even if she changed the apprearance of the guy, the words were actually clues to the actual identity of the individual.

Dream [BNHA: Shota Aizawa X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now