Chapter 1~

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 I have always been the type of person to save others, but that doesn't mean I don't have problems of my own. I mean I haven't seen my Dad in two years, I'm utterly confused with my decision's 24/7 and I have this undeniable hatred for this person named Samantha Foster.

 Hello, my name is Samantha Foster. If you don't get what I just told you, then I hope you grow as the tale of my life goes on and suddenly come to the realization of what I meant. Or perhaps you just aren't even mature to be reading this book in the first place, then I suggest you just don't listen to what I'm saying as you will get what I meant when you enter the dark years of this so called "Teenage Life". 

 Snapping out of the realization that I've been staring in my mirror while I'm supposed to be getting ready for school, I continue putting on my winged eyeliner. Yes, winged eyeliner. It's honestly not as difficult as it looks so don't get all petty on the fact I can do it but you are incapable of doing so. 

  "Samantha-Marie Foster! Are you almost done drawing on your eyes?" My Mother yells from the stairs, as you can tell she considers winged eyeliner creating a new eye shape."Mom! I am not 'drawing on my eyes' I am simply highlighting and exaggerating my features!" You can hear the annoyance in her voice grow as her foot tapping echos up the stairs, "But anyways yes I am coming."

  I run down the stairs, my freshly straightened blonde hair flows behind me as I fly down the stairs almost tripping over my dog Sadie who sat conveniently right in the middle of the stairs. As I through on my new black combat boots, my Mom of course is rushing me while answering her constant work emails. 

  "Okay, I'm ready." She mutters something under her breath that I don't catch and walks out the door with her 6 inch lipstick-red stilettos.

  We hop into our H3 Hummer and I attempt to get the barely noticeable toothpaste spot off my black and white stripped top. "Jesus Hun, why do you always have toothpaste on you?" My Mother asks while glaring over at me, "Hey at-least I have dental hygiene right?" I shrug and she gives me a death glare.

  Jesus someones on their period. "I am not on my period Samantha." 

  Whoops, I really gotta learn that I cannot keep my thoughts to myself. I flash her a quick 'I'm sorry' grin, and hop out of the car and speed off to the entrance of the intermediate sector of McDowell. I glance around and literally find everyone I don't wanna hangout with, everyone I like is conveniently not where there supposed to be like always.

  And of course, because I'm me I run into something that feels exactly like a wall. So thinking its a wall I quickly go to walk around it when someone catches my arm, only its not just someone. It's him. I look up at the person I despise most in this school to see he's wearing the stupidest smirk he could muster. 

  "What do you want?" I spit out from between my clenched teeth, as I look out of him he switches his face to a fake innocent impression. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but aren't you supposed to apologize when you run into someone? Or did you just want to feel my abs?" 

  "You mean your one big fat ab? No, I'll pass." He looks quite shocked I had an actual comeback, "Seems you've grown a lot since last year hmm?" He asks a rhetorical question but I roll my eyes in response anyways. 

  "Samantha?" I hear my boyfriend call my name and he appears beside me,"What's going on here?" Before I can respond he does, "Oh nothing much, your girlfriend here was just taking the opportunity to touch my abs." I shake my head as soon as the answer leaves his mouth, "No no that's not what happened, I ran into-" 

  But before I can finish my answer that repulsive, arrogant boy grabs me and presses his lips against mine, I rip myself away from him as soon as our lips connect and my mind has a second to comprehend what happened. I smack that smirk of his pretty little face, and turn to explain to Ryan what happened to see he was already gone. 

  I turned back to him my face confronted in anger. "Dylan Matthews. This means war."


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