Arriving at camp

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V:

It was my first time going to a summer camp, I joined Arts and crafts.

"Come on (Y/n)! We need to go the bus I see here". My mom said, as she came into my room. "Y-yes m-m-Mom". I stuttered. See, I have anxiety, a stuttering problem, and ADHD. I have panick attacks really often, that's why she gave me a list to give to one of the counsellor's.

I hope out of bed and grab my suitcase, I walk down the stairs. Saying goodbye to my mom, and dad. "I love (Y/n)!" My Mom said, as the bus pulled away. "Y-y-you too!" I said.

It was a really long drive there, it was about two hours. In the middle of the drive I pulled out my sketching pad, and decided to draw the bus driver.

(A/n: BY THE WAY THE ART IN HERE, IS NOT MINE UNLESS I SAY SO! Also pic above is what you drew)

As soon as I was done colouring it, the bus stopped. "New kid is here". The bus driver said bluntly. I got off of the bus, and handed the bus driver my drawing. "I-I-I, got b-bored when we w-w-were coming h-h-h-here so I d-decided to d-d-d-draw you!". I stuttered out. He smiled, "thanks kid". He said, as he closed the bus doors.

"Hello new camper! You must be (Y/n)!" Said a red head coming over to you, the front of his hair was slicked up, he had freckles on his face. And he wore a really neat camp outfit, you also noticed that he looks more enthusiastic then others here, behind him were three others. One had green hair, freckles and was wearing overalls and a pink shirt underneath.

The other one, that was in the middle had dark fluffy hair, he had a blueberry coloured sweater on, he looked like he didn't want to be here. The one on the right of him, was a slightly tall, sciency looking kid.

"Hello (Y/n)! I'm David! That there is Nikki" he said pointing to the green haired one. "Max" he said pointing to the one in the middle. "And Neil!" He said.

I just had remembered that I needed to give him the paper for my anxiety attacks. In case I have one and what to do to calm me down, I reached into my backpack and handed David the letter. He looked at it and nodded, then he put it in his back pocket. Not knowing that Max would steal it. That's just what Max did.

He looked through it, and so did Nikki and Neil.

They put it back in David's pocket, and left you to David. "So do you want a tour around the camp?" David asked, "S-s-Sure". I said, nervously.

Max came up to me, as we were walking around camp. "So you're (Y/n)? Correct?" (A/n: you also can't use your voice, only if you have to).

"Y-y-yes that m-m-me". I stuttered out. "Well you were put in my tent, so let me establish a few rules. Don't think that you will have fun here, because you won't. If you do not do what I say, I will ruin your time here at camp". Max said sternly. I looked at him, fear in my eyes. I tried to look tough but it wasn't working. I sighed and nodded.

(End of part one!) 

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