My Zombie(Warning, graphic violence if you don't like skip)

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The explosion boomed through the City of San Fransokyo setting everyone in a frenzy of screams and cries. Hiro looked out the window of his classroom to see what had happened, but what he saw was nothing compared to what happened next. The city's main power plant blew up in flames and surged a wave of energy across the city "Oh no, EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!!" shouted Hiro motioning his hand to get down. Everybody got down as the energy wave hit the school and broke the windows where glass shattered everywhere. Hiro peeped up and looked back out the now broken window, "Oh sweet Jesus" whispered Hiro in terror as a giant cloud of radioactive gas raced through the streets. Hiro opened his mouth to say something only to feel the school shake, "Ok everybody listen to me, you need to run to a safe and secure spot to hide in" instructed Hiro firmly, "What do we do then?" asked one of the students shaking, "Pray that you don't get hit" answered Hiro. Just then the principal burst through the door in a zombie like state, his skin was deathly pale, drool traveled down his chin, and bloodshot eyes, "BRAINS!!" shrieked the principal crawling toward one of the female students. The girl screamed as the principal held her in a strong grip, Hiro got up on one of the desks and jumped in the air karate kicking him in the jaw making him hit his head against the door. Hiro lands on the ground growling at the motionless zombie, "Wow Hiro that was amazing, you're really brave" said the girl twirling her hair in a flirtatious manner while flashing her lashes at him. Hiro just looked at her with a small blush creeping up his face, "Thanks, I guess?" replied Hiro with a questioning tone. The principal got back up growling at Hiro who at the moment was standing tall in front of the students, "You want me, come and get me" snapped Hiro glaring at the dead like being. The zombie ran at Hiro to attack him but not before it was undercut by his fist and flipped onto the ground. Hiro grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher and smashed the zombie's head with it over and over again, blood sprayed on his face as he kept ramming the fire extinguisher into the principal's face until he was positive that he was dead, "Sorry Mr. G" panted Hiro. The class grew quiet well that was until more shrieks and growls came from the windows,the students screamed and ran out of the classroom with Hiro behind them. They kept running until they made it outside of the school and the major parts of the city crying and screaming, "Nobody panic it's going to be alri..." exclaimed Hiro before a zombie tackled him to the ground, "Hiro!!" yelled the female student, then everything went black, but that happened a long time ago. Now the city lies in ruins and not to mention incase you didn't know zombies lots and lots of zombies, and Hiro being one of them. Being a dead flesh eater's not what Hiro was planning to be but here he is walking around the torn up streets of  San Fransokyo, "God this is boring, I really miss being alive" thinks Hiro looking around. In Mexico however things are great, Miguel is now 15 and has a place of his own in the rich part of town to work on his music thanks to his family of course. Miguel sighs leaning back in his cozy coach closing his eyes randomly remembering the time he heard about the zombie outbreak in the city of San Fransokyo, "I wonder what it's like there now?" asks Miguel to himself. Then an idea pops in his head, what if he went there himself? Miguel grabs his guitar, strums it, and runs to the land of the dead to see his great great grandparents. Once he finds them he asks them to take him to  San Fransokyo, "Woah slow down there chimaco, why do you want to go there so badly?" asks Hector laughing, "Oh just to see the lights" replies Miguel lying, "Oh really is that so?" asks Mama Imelda. After some persuading and arguing Hector and Imelda agreed to take Miguel to San Fransokyo. Hopping on Papita, Miguel, Hector, and Imelda all hold on as Papita spreads her wings and takes off into the sky. The family leave the land of the dead with some flower petals just incase, Papita flies through the air flapping her wings strongly as she and the Riveras go through heavy fog. The wind blows and makes Miguel cold so he cuddles into Papita's fur to keep warm, and fortunately it keeps him warm until they can make it through the heavy fog. Minutes pass and Miguel feels Hector shake him gently, "Chimaco look" says Hector worryingly. Miguel looks over Papita's side to see a torn apart vegetation infested city, "What happened?" asks Mama Imelda with concern, "Um not sure", "Don't lie to us Miguel" says Hector forrowing his brow bones. Miguel looks over at Hector and Imelda with shame, "Okay so there might've been a zombie apocalypse here 3 years ago" smiles Miguel nervously, "WHAT!!" reply Hector and Imelda in unison, "It's okay though I'm pretty sure" gulps Miguel at the end of his sentence. Imelda and Hector surely enough say he can go even though it took some persuading, so Miguel hops off Papita and gets his grandparents blessings. Papita nudges Miguel lovingly and purrs giving him a worrying look, "Don't worry girl I'll be fine" reassures Miguel "I love you" and with that he touches the pedal and they all disappear. Taking a deep breath Miguel starts walking towards the city preparing for what was about to come, however, what happens next is not what Miguel intends to see. Hiro slowly walks when he suddenly senses something unusual, he stops and looks to see what it is only to find a dark tan Hispanic boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes staring at the city in amazement. He keeps staring at the city before he finally decides to turn his head, Hiro tries to hide but can't find anything to hide behind and that's where things get ugly. When Miguel turns his head to look around at his surroundings he sees a zombie, "Aahhh Zombie!!" screams Miguel picking up a tin can and throwing it towards the zombie. Hiro turns his head to look at the boy only to be hit in the head by a tin can surprisingly it hits Hiro pretty hard. Hiro is taken by surprise as he feels the object hit him, "Ow what was that for?" moans Hiro in pain holding his head. Miguel looks closer at the zombie and realizes that he doesn't look anything like a zombie in the movies, "He's actually kinda cute" thinks Miguel looking at him. Hiro keeps glaring at Miguel as he holds his head in pain and Miguel realizes what he's done, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn''s just..well my parents always taught me to hate zombies and that they're hideous flesh eating monsters" apologizes. Miguel reaching his hand to the zombies head. Hiro just sarcastically laughs, "Yeah well you wouldn't know that would you" snaps Hiro rubbing his head, "Well I was just going to say that you're actually not that hideous at all" says Miguel blushing softly looking at him, "Umm thank you?" smiles Hiro awkwardly looking back at the boy, "I'm Miguel" says the boy, "Hiro" replies the zombie. Hiro then instantly looks up and tenses making Miguel nervous, "Uumm Hiro is everything okay?" asks Miguel worryingly, "Come with me now" responds Hiro firmly. Grabbing Miguel's hand Hiro pushes Miguel into the nearest building, "Stay here and don't make a sound" says Hiro quietly, but as soon as Hiro left Miguel runs leaving the building and Hiro behind. Miguel keeps running until something shrieking tackles him to the ground, he looks up to see a skeleton like creature with black eyes and rotting teeth drooling on him. Screaming Miguel kicks the creature off and starts running once again only to have his body back on the ground with three of the creatures pinning him down leaning closer to his neck and licking it, "No no please!!" cries Miguel tears falling down his cheeks. Suddenly Hiro rams into one of the creatures and pins it down to the ground, the creature screeches and starts scratching at Hiro's body tearing his clothes. Miguel watches as the two other creatures then jump on Hiro's back and start tearing at his skin, yelling in pain Hiro reaches his hands behind him and throws both creatures off his back sending them crashing to the ground. Miguel just stares in complete awe as he sees Hiro fight the creatures only making him even hotter. Having his shirt torn off his broad chest he grips the first creatures mouth and tears open its jaw killing it, then he goes over to the other two and punches them as they scratch his skin drawing blood. Cutting open the second creature's back with a sharp piece of glass Hiro rips out its spine and throws it, then the third creature comes back in and bites Hiro's shoulder pouncing on him making him growl before yanking the creature off his body and smashing its head into a sharp rock piercing its skull as blood splatters on his face. Miguel stares with fear as some blood also splatters on his face, then Hiro walks over to him and wipes off the blood on his lip, "Are you okay?" asked Hiro softly. Hiro then places his hand on the side of Miguel's face and gently wipes off the drop of blood on his face with his thumb. "Y..yeah but what were those things?" asks Miguel shaking, "They're called Creepers, those hideous bastards eat anything that moves, and they won't stop attacking until they get what they want" answers Hiro with disgust looking at the dead creatures. Hiro then softens his expression and turns his head back to look at Miguel "You need to be more careful, they could've eaten you, you're lucky I was nearby" says Hiro caressing Miguel's cheek. Miguel walks up closer to Hiro and looks into his eyes, "Why are you so nice to me?" asks Miguel, "I'm a zombie Miguel, I'm still human, just a dead one, and even though I may look like a monster, it doesn't mean I am one" answers Hiro calmly. Miguel can't help but let out a sigh as Hiro looks at him, "You're right you're not a monster, you're my hero" kindly smiles Miguel, then slowly leaning forward Miguel softly but firmly kisses Hiro on the lips. Hiro feels Miguel's lips lightly bush against his sending a warm sensation throughout his body, the kind of warm sensation you get when you're alive. His heart beats once then it beats twice before Hiro realizes he starts to slowly little by little feel alive once again. Can Miguel really be bringing Hiro back to life, no it can't be can it? Miguel backs away softly breaking the kiss, "Thank you" says Miguel, "No, thank you" retorts Hiro. After saying this Hiro grabs Miguel's face and firmly kisses him making him lean into Hiro while wrapping his arms around him. As they keep kissing Miguel grabs Hiro's shoulders and presses his lips harder onto his deepening the kiss. A cold breeze blows by reminding them of where they are, "We should head back to my place before it gets dark" warns Hiro breaking the kiss. "What happens when it's dark?" asks Miguel fearfully, "Creepers, everywhere" replies Hiro, "Oh no, no please not those things!" cries Miguel trembling before Hiro grabs his hand, "Hey it's going to be alright, I'll protect you" whispers Hiro grabbing Miguel's hips, then Miguel nods thanking him and walks off holding onto his arm. The sun begins to set when they make it to Hiro's house, once inside Hiro immediately closes and locks the door, "Okay, we'll be safe here" says Hiro walking over to the light switch and turning on the lights. Miguel looks around the house it was gigantic, it had to be some kind of mansion, "Wow Hiro this is beautiful, how did you manage?" asks Miguel touching the walls, "Oh, I..I don't want to talk about it" answers Hiro dipping his head in disappointment. Hiro looks at Miguel with a depressed face, "Oh come on you can tell me" says Miguel cheerfully smiling at him, Hiro sighs deeply and takes a deep breath before speaking, "The family that lived in here died" replies Hiro. Miguel looks at Hiro with concern, "Creepers" said Miguel seriously, "No Miguel, the Creepers didn't kill the family, I did" says Hiro tears forming in his eyes, "I did it, I..I killed them!, I guess I was wrong myself, I guess I am a monster" whimpers Hiro tears rolling down his cheeks and onto the floor, Miguel just stares at Hiro with a look of sympathy watching as the young zombie cries in despair and sorrow, "You're not a monster you're a zombie, my zombie" reassures Miguel, "No, no you don't understand, It's my fault, I'm to blame, they didn't deserve to die,but they did b..because of me, Miguel I'm so sorry" cries Hiro. Miguel walks over to Hiro and places his head on his chest, "Hey hey it's okay, you couldn't control yourself, I know you didn't mean to" soothes Miguel hugging Hiro. Hiro's tears begin to dry as he watches Miguel relax on his chest, then without warning Hiro feels a warm tingling sensation through his body making him feel possessive and not to mention very horny. Miguel feels Hiro tense up, "Shit..I forgot, oh no no no this is not good!" curses Hiro clenching his fists, "What's wrong Hiro?" asks Miguel with concern. Hiro just looks down at him biting his lip, "'s just that umm oh god how do I say this? well zombies have I guess you could say mating seasons" states Hiro as smoothly as he can. Miguel stands there for a second thinking until it hits him, "Ohh you mean like zombies get you know horny and want to reproduce" says Miguel understandingly, "Exactly!" exclaims Hiro happy that Miguel understands. Then Miguel puts his hands on Hiro's shoulders smiling, "And how long does these mating seasons usually last?" asks Miguel seductively while rubbing Hiro's shoulders, "U..umm a..a week or longer I'm pretty sure" stutters Hiro trying to control himself. Miguel laughs at Hiro's attempt to stay calm, "Oh really, well then maybe we should help you with that hmm?" whispers Miguel softly in Hiro's ear, "You just read my mind" growls Hiro before kissing Miguel's neck. Miguel sighs letting his head fall back as Hiro roughly sucks and kisses his neck, "Aahh hah H..Hiro" moans Miguel wrapping his arms around Hiro's neck. It's music to Hiro's ears as he hears Miguel's sweet moans, then unzipping his sweatshirt Hiro slowly but surely rips off Miguel's white tank top. Hiro kisses and nibbles lower and lower down Miguel's stomach, "O..oohh hah yes don't stop" moans Miguel arching his back, taking this as a sign to keep going Hiro quickly takes off Miguel's pants, sticks two of his fingers in his entrance and instantly starts pumping them in and out. Miguel moans loudly gripping onto Hiro's hair only making him finger him faster, "Aaahhh, aahhh, huhh Hiro" moans Miguel loudly, then Hiro removes his fingers making Miguel wine at the loss, picks him up bridal style, and takes him upstairs to his room. Shutting the door Hiro automatically pushes Miguel to the bed before putting his legs over his shoulders and sticks his head in between them licking the rim of his tight hole. Feeling this new kind of pleasure Miguel couldn't help but become limp as Hiro keeps licking all the right places, "Oh god Hiro si si!!" curses Miguel blushing, Miguel closes his eyes relaxing his whole body as Hiro pleasures him. Hiro then sneaks two fingers into his entrance and scissors him as he thrusts his tongue inside of him, "Mmm aahhh huh, more Hiro please give me more!!" begs Miguel pressing his butt harder against Hiro's face pushing him in deeper. Hiro then removes his fingers still licking Miguel's warm, tight hole before grabbing his legs and holds them above his head as he starts licking and sucking quicker and faster. Miguel let's out loud high pitched moans and screams feeling Hiro's tongue wiggle and thrust into him and he couldn't believe he was having a sexual attraction to a zombie. Having a zombie attracted to him felt weird and good at the same time but it felt amazing to have Hiro eating him out. Hiro lets his free hand wrap around Miguel's waist and pulling it towards him continues his menstruations, "Aye!, H..Hiro it feels so good!!" huffs Miguel blushing up to his ears. Then Hiro knows he's hit Miguel's prostate when he hears him let out a long loud moan, "Mmmm" hums Hiro still licking Miguel's hole forming vibrations and bringing him closer to the edge. Miguel feels a burning sensation in his lower abdomen as Hiro sends him closer and closer to his edge and before he realizes Miguel squeezes his eyes shut and moans loudly as he cums all over his stomach. Hiro removes his tongue and takes off his pants, "Don't worry it'll feel good" whispers Hiro. Hiro turns Miguel over so that his chest is pressing against the bed, then grabbing his hips he lifts his ass into the air. Miguel closes his eyes as he hears Hiro crawl on top of him, as he closes his eyes Hiro bends down and licks his neck sending shivers up his spine. Seconds later Hiro spreads Miguel's butt cheeks and shoves his dick all the way inside him in one thrust, "Aahhh!" cries Miguel in pain and surprise, "How does it feel?" asks Hiro slowly moving in and out of Miguel, " feels weird" replies Miguel blushing. Hiro places his hands on Miguel's hips and starts to move faster, "Aahhh, ahh, mmm" moans miguel subconsciously making Hiro smile naughtily, "Does that feel good Miguel?" asks Hiro leaning forwards, "Y..yes" replies Miguel blushing. Miguel feels himself being filled and at first it hurts and makes him want to stop, but after a couple minutes of thrusting the pain soon turns into pleasure. Hiro digs himself deeper and deeper into Miguel with each thrust watching the younger boy pant beneath him, "Aaahhh, H..Hiro no wait!!" cries Miguel with his chest against the bed, "Sorry Miguel, can't do that" says Hiro. Miguel's body heats up as continues to be thrust into, and before he knows it Hiro grabs his hips and starts to pound into him. Miguel moans loudly as Hiro's large and hard dick rams in and out of him causing his tip to leak pre-cum, "Aaahhh, yeess!!" moans Miguel sticking his ass higher in the air, "God this feels good" growls Hiro digging his nails even harder into Miguel's hips. Bringing Miguel's hips back with each thrust Hiro pounds into Miguel rocking the bed, "O..oh god Hiro don't stop Ooh please keep going!!" begs Miguel loudly gripping the sheets. Hiro leaning down then licks Miguel's ear while nibbling on his neck, "Mmm you feel amazing" coos Hiro massaging Miguel's inner thigh. Miguel closes his eyes letting out a long sigh as he relaxes his body, Hiro then moves his hand back to Miguel's dick and rubs his thumb against his slit making Miguel moan. "Good boy Miguel" growls Hiro softly in Miguel's ear, "God Hiro, you make me feel so good" replies Miguel grinding his ass against Hiro's body. Hiro removes his hand from around Miguel's dick and covers his mouth before pounding harder, "Mmmmaaa!!!" screams Miguel in pleasure as Hiro rams into his tight ass. "Nghh Ooh yeah that's nice!!" moans Hiro getting close to his climax, Miguel keeps moaning and screaming in Hiro's hand while closing his eyes loving every moment of it. "Mmmm, Mmm, Mmm!!!" moans Miguel sweat forming on his body. Hiro feels sweat form on his forehead, "What I'm dead I can't sweat?" thinks Hiro to himself, Hiro then looks down to see his skin a creamy peach color, Hiro's eyes widen as he realizes, he was alive once again. Miguel feels heat surround him, then he looks at Hiro's hand to see that it's no longer deathly pale but rather a creamy peach color, Miguel then gasps as he realizes Hiro's alive. Hiro removes his hand from Miguel's mouth and hugs him, seconds later Miguel flips them around so that Hiro's on the bottom. Wrapping his arms and legs around Hiro's body Miguel sits himself up on Hiro's lap and kisses him roughly on the lips. Hiro kisses back just as hard and thrusts his tongue inside Miguel's mouth moaning as he bounces up and down on his dick. They keep kissing until they need to separate for air, as they break apart they form a thin string of saliva connecting them. Miguel bounces faster moaning and digging his nails into Hiro's back, Hiro moans uncontrollably feeling the full pleasure of being alive, "Aaaahhhh H..Hiro I'm close!!" warns Miguel moaning, " too, do you w..want me to" "Yes yes I want you to cum inside me!!" begs Miguel cutting off Hiro's sentence. Hiro without warning then thrusts up as Miguel moves up and down creating the perfect rhythm. Hiro and Miguel rock their bodies as they get closer and closer to their edges, Miguel's tightens around Hiro making him cry in pleasure. Then flipping them back over so that Miguel was back on the bottom Hiro grabs his legs and separates them spreading him open before pounding back into him. "Aye Ooh Senor Hamada yes!!!" moans Miguel loudly gripping onto Hiro's back, "Hah Ooh god M..Miguel you are so hot" moans Hiro thrusting his hips. Miguel just winks teasingly turning Hiro on even more, Hiro bends down and bites Miguel's neck on his pulse point. This sends Miguel over the edge, "AAAHHHH!!!!" screams Miguel in ecstasy, Miguel tightens around Hiro resulting in Hiro ejaculating hard inside him. Hiro thrusts hard into Miguel as he empties himself into him making the young Rivera moan, "Ngghhh" grunts Hiro. Hiro still inside Miguel caught his breath, but then Miguel teasingly tightens around Hiro while moving slowly, "Ooh Hiro" moans Miguel playfully. Hiro moans softly as Miguel continues to move, "Oh you wanna play that game do you?" "I'll show you who's going to win this game" growls Hiro thrusting hard into Miguel. Miguel moans loudly giving in to Hiro's moves, "Yeess just like that!" moans Miguel feeling Hiro's large and hard dick pound into him. Hiro continues to fuck Miguel rocking the bed, "You're a naughty boy Miguel" states Hiro smirking, Miguel just responds by moaning loudly as he grips the bed sheets, they keep moving their bodies against each other creating friction. Hiro rams into Miguel until they both cum once again screaming each other's names, finally being done for the night Hiro removes his himself from inside Miguel making a wet pop sound before both boys fell asleep holding each other close. The next morning Hiro and Miguel get dressed and leave the house only to find a giant cat and two skeletons, "Mi familia!" cries Miguel in joy as he runs up to Imelda and Hector, " Mijo!!" exclaims Mama Imelda hugging Miguel. Just then Hector walks up and rubs Miguel on the head laughing, well that is until he noticed Hiro, "You''re a zombie!!" shouts Hector pointing at Hiro, "No, no he's not, well not anymore at least" corrects Miguel holding Hiro's hand, "What do you mean not anymore? What exactly changed him?" asks Mama Imelda placing her hands on her hips and glaring at Miguel. "I..I don't know but all that matters now is that he's alive, and he needs a home" answers Miguel looking at Hiro loving, Imelda and Hector look at the two boys before realizing that they were in love. The two skeletons smile looking at the two boys before welcoming Hiro into their arms in a big, warm hug, Hiro smiles and hugs back embracing their love and affection. Miguel then walks over to them and hops onto Papita's back waiting for the other three to join him, surely enough they did and Papita spreads her wings and flys off with the new happy couples back home.

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