Screw Georgia

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I was standing next to the front door, desperately trying to leave. Mom was crying and Dad was filming. "Please, I love you all, but we're going to miss our flight if I don't leave soon." It's not that I didn't think this was a big deal. Going off to college in California is a major deal. But I really did need to go. I looked over to Bram for assistance from where he was leaning against the wall, but he only smiled. I huffed and hugged Mom again. She squeezed me tightly and continued going over everything.

"Do you have your toothbrush? And your passport? Don't give money to strangers. Stay together. Be careful and-"

Nora cut her off, thank God. "Mom, they need to go. I'm sure Simon will call and text and all that." She looked over at me and smiled. "Have fun."

* * * * * * * * *

We nearly missed our flight. Leah had dropped us off with our luggage at the airport, and after a surprisingly tearful goodbye, Bram and I headed through security. Now we were finally in our seats on the plane. Bram was grasping my hand tightly in his as the plane raced down the launch pad and then we were flying. I excitedly turned towards him, but his eyes were clinched shut and he was taking labored breaths. Nausea. I leaned over and quickly kissed his cheek. Bram glanced over at me and flashed me a small smile. I'm pretty sure I have melted into my seat. After being together for this long, you'd think I'd get used to this, this feeling of bubbles in my chest. You'd think that I'd get used to him. My too adorable boyfriend. But it's been nearly two years, and I haven't.
Georgia hadn't really gotten used to us either, and there were still people who sneered as we held hands, or whispered when we hugged. Screw Georgia, I thought. And I smiled as we got further and further away, with Bram still holding my hand.

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