Chapter Two Life At The Church

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Third Person POV

It was a warm evening, as the moon light shone on the church. It was unusual for it to be this warm since it was the start of May. The 11th to be exact. A woman with waist length brown hair came running to the front door and placed the basket she was holding in front of it. She seized the necklace from around her neck and kissed the pendant, before placing it inside the basket. She muttered a quick goodbye before knocking on the church's door. She used the last of her magic and disappeared into the nighttime as a shining ball of light.

The father at the church was taken a back by someone knocking at this time. But since there was much work to be done he was awake. He opened the large door and was confused when he didn't see anyone. But a small cry caused him to look down and see a baby wrapped loosely in blankets. What is a child doing out here was the only thoughts in the priest mind. He seized the child and brought them into the warmth of the church. He moved her blankets around only to see a note.

Dear, Whomever Receives This

I have no time to write my name, and no time to explain my situation. But please will you take care of my darling daughter Asami. She has so much life in her I can't bare to see it end. When she gets old enough please tell her bluntly that me and her father have mostly likely both passed. I just know she will be a strong will girl who can take care of herself.

The piece of paper warmed the mans heart, but also saddened him. It was a shame the poor child would never met her parents, but he would try his hardest to make her feel loved and at home at the church. When she got old enough he'd show her this letter and help her become the strong willed woman her mother would want her to be.


Not long after the man had taken in Asami two baby boys had shown up at his door. A smile graced his lips at the sight.

"Asami I guess your not going to be alone any more" The man muttered to the baby girl sleeping in her crib.


Asami POV

My legs beat against the ground in a steady rhythm. The white pendant that hung around my neck kept hitting my chest. I didn't really care for the two boys behind me, I couldn't help that I was faster then them.

"Asami wait up" Asta yelled from behind me. We were almost there so I slowed down until I came to a full stop. I turned around just in time to see the raven haired boy fall flat onto his face.

"Yuno, are you alright" I asked as I rushed over to him. He looked up at me with tears brimming the corners of his eyes. Yuno cried a lot so it was normal, but sister Lilly told me one day he'll grow out of it. If he does I hope he does become a second Asta, one is enough.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think" He muttered shyly. He then stood up and dusted himself off.

"Hurry up Asami, Yuno they're waiting for us" Asta yelled already a head of us.


After Asta ran out of the church sister Lilly sent me after him. So here I was roaming around in a dark village alone. That was until I hear yelling, not just any yelling. It was Asta, so he must in some kind of trouble. I turned the corner just in time to see an older man throw Asta to the side. I also noticed Yuno on his knees crying, and looking at an object in the mans hand. It was his necklace.

"Hey leave them alone" I yelled glaring at the man.

"Great another brat to deal with" He cursed under his breathe. "Well look what we have here another expensive looking necklace, mind if I take that little girl" He spoke with a creepy smirk, and he stalked towards me clearly drunk.

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