Chapter One

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After a very long and scary flight due to my extreme fear of flying because if, for some reason, I do something to upset Zeus then PLOP, my life has just been ended. Anyway, as I was saying, my flight was terrifying. Once I got to the airport, I layed down and kissed the floor earning some odd looks from random strangers. Meh. Once you have lived in danger for most of your life you get used to the looks from people. So yeah. I went to baggage claim, got my passport checked, blah blah blah.

Luke had texted me to meet him at the Starbucks at the mall. Why couldn't he just pick me up? That's what I want to know. So I did the only thing I could think of. Make sure I had my dagger with was disguised as a pen which I used to write songs with, and called an Uber. Yes I know, cliché as it seems, I do love to sing, and with my dad being the god of music and all, I'm pretty good at it. Not to brag but, my camp argues over which cabin I should be with on karaoke battle night. Ahhhh, good times, good times.

Once I got to Starbucks, I looked for Luke. I had already looked him up online so I knew what he looked like. What? I like to be prepared. Anyway, I spotted Luke in the back corner, trying not to be seen by his adoring fans. I have to admit, I was nervous. It was a weird thing for me to feel because I hadn't felt it since I was 6 when my parents left me on the road and I had fought my first few battles. I was used to people and things attacking me. Heck, I even use a real phone so that I can attract attention from monsters to fight. But seeing Luke makes me nervous. I was scared. He was taken out of my life years ago and he remembered me. What if he hates me for letting him go? What if he doesn't like how grown up I am now? Ugh. I just need to suck it up and talk to him. Cue the deep, shaky breath.

"Hi Luke." I said as I walked up to him. Stop shaking so bad Shae! I scolded myself.

"Shaelynn? Is it really you? I nodded. He just stared at me before standing up. He towered over me. I remember holding him as a baby. He was too small to even hold his head up and now he is famous and not to mention, very very tall. He had tears in his eyes, looking like he would start sobbing anytime now. I'm not usually a sappy person but I started crying as soon as he hugged me. He was so grown up. It made me sad that I had lost so many years of being there for him. He has probably had girlfriends and friends and I was never there to comfort him when he was hurt. Was never there for his birthdays or first date or even his first day of school. I felt so guilty. The thoughts made me cry harder. "I missed you so much, Shae." He whispered in my ear.

"I missed you too, Lukeypoo." I just stood there, hugging the living daylights out of him as he did the same to me.

We sat down and I ordered a Java Chip Frappuchino. We talked about life. He told me all about his friends and I told him stories about mine. He shared all of his school stories while I told him about my summer camp. We continued talking until it was nearly 8:00 p.m.. He took me to his car and I loaded my luggage into the back (I had brought it into Starbucks with me). We climbed into the car and talked some more while he drove to his house where I would meet his band mates. I wasn't as nervous but I did check to make sure that my pen/dagger was still in my purse. It was. Good.

We get there and the guys said hello to me while hugging me.

"I'm Michael." Said who I'm guessing is Michael.

"Hi Michael. I'm Shaelynn. But you can call me Shae." I replied.

"Wanna play video games with me?" He asked so of course I agreed.

"Only if you wanna get beat."

"You wish! I've never lost a game before."

"Well then I hope you aren't a sore loser."

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