PM school

15 0 0

Lala:great just great thanks Nichole for making us 10 minuets late to class
Nichole:what me you mean you because you had to look at victor butt
Lala:no I didn't I on accident ran into him
After pm school
Lala:hey Nichole do you need a ride to your house
Nichole:no can I just stay at your house because I don't want to be at my house because it crazy
Lala:okay hurry up my parents and siblings are not home and they won't be home until 9 because they went out of town
At Lala's house....
Lala:come on in Nichole what you want to do
Nichole:I don't know ask victor and Timothy to come over
Lala on the phone with victor
Lala:hey victor come over and bring Timothy
Victor:okay see you then
End of text message
Later in the day....
"Ding dong"
Lala:oh victor and Timothy is here
Lala ran to the door and opened it
Victor:hey Lala I brought something
Then victor pulls out a condom then it fell to the floor
Then lalas eyes got big then she started blushing
Victor:oh not that I brought a vape so let go up to your room and smoke it
Timothy:same I brought one Nichole let's go up to lala's parents room and smoke it then we can do something else if you know what I mean
Then Lala and victor ran upstairs to her bedroom then Timothy and Nichole went upstairs to Lala's parents room.

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