Welcome To The Strider Abode.

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You wake with a few shakes, and a kind woman's soft voice. As your eyes open you glance up to meet the eye of a blonde, dressed in the airport coded outfit. She smiles at you, and speaks again, in a kind hushed way, telling you that the plane had landed and it was time to disembark. You hastily nod in understanding, blushing a bit at the fact that the plane had landed, and everyone else had gotten off, all while you were fast asleep. Even the person next to you had left without the slightest attempt to wake you up. What a jerk!

She steps aside and you reach up into the bag compartment, grabbing onto your carry-on bag, and, before being too much of a nuisance, quickly scurry out of dodge, already embarrassed enough. You definitely didn't want to become a bother in this trip, and this small encounter was already spelling bad news to that plan of yours. You get off and look about the airport for a moment, before snapping up the handle on your bag, wheeling it behind you. You enter the building and stop, glancing around at the big crowd of bustling people. With a deep inhale, you start off, to find the luggage department. Your biggest fear right now was losing your sacred luggage. At least if the Strider's had left, you had a way to contact Dave. Yes, this was absolutely the responsible choice.

After your adventure to the luggage department, and figuring out how to correctly balance all of your bags, you set out to the main entrance, which would serve as the meeting point of the Striders. You glance around for a moment, before your eyes of blue lock onto a familiar face. The Stiller shades you had gotten him, the blonde hair. Yes, that was no other than Dave Strider, you were sure of it. "Dave!" You shout out of the crowd, and start to fight your way towards your best friend, who was now alert and looking over in your direction. He catches sight of you, and jogs over slightly, and for a moment you could've sworn you saw the peak of a smile on Dave's face. You reunite with your long time buddy, and for a few moments, are engulfed in an awkward silence. Dave questioning if this was really happening, you purely out of social awkwardness. "Uhh, hey Dave. Can you help me out with these bags?" You ask, finally breaking the silence.

"Oh shit man, of course. What did you pack the whole house? How many bags you even got here? It's like a mini fucking inventory of your house. Here let me grab some, don't carry all of them you fuckin' dweeb. How did you even get these to here from the luggage department? Are you secretly ripped dude, don't lie to me. These noodle arms hold secrets, I can tell."And there he was. The Dave that you had known and grew to fall into a never-ending bromance with. You could only respond with a soft chuckle, knowing better to interrupt Dave when he went on his own little tirade of words. It would only make it worse.

"'Ight, y'all done with this whole meet up bullshit? Y'all wanna bump chests or fistbump each other? Maybe get a bro kiss goin'? Or can we fuckin' get out'ta here? I'm annoyed enough by the crowds." A voice cut in then, and your head immediately turned to your side, to meet a chest, covered by a white shirt. You glance up slightly, to find those familiar shades that Dave once wore. This had to be Bro Strider.

His voice was laiden with a Texan native accent, deep in nature, and his speech patterns were just short of charming. His whole body was built like a bodyguard that you would see in a tv show. His facial features were definitely distinguished, the only flaws being a scar on the side of his face that cut from his cheek, under his ear lobe, and to the back of his neck, probably from a strife. He had a slight bit of blonde stubble lining his chin, but worse of all was the effect the hat had on his face. It casted a slight shadow over his face, that just added to the intimidating sight that was, the one and only, Bro Strider.

Dave had already grabbed the bags from you as you were gawking at his brother, and now caught your stunned gaze with a brow cocked. Your eyes were fixated on the Elder Strider, a feeling of fear striking you. You had never seen someone so big and intimidating in real life before. Only ever on a TV screen.

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