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Rylee's P.O.V:

"I saw you driving with Michael Clifford yesterday after school. What's going on?" My friends were all gathered round, expecting to hear something amazing.

"He needed a lift home. I offered. He accepted." I shrugged.

"But it's Michael Clifford. He's a loser." My friend Talia.

"Yeah, and? I only offered him a ride home. It was raining, I wasn't going to let him walk home in that weather, now, was I? Really, Talia, it's called manners." I shook my head and Talia backed away into her seat.

"Anyone else wanna have a shot in the dark at me for being polite?" No one answered. "Great." I said.

The table sat in total silence, with just the noise of plastic forks scraping at styrofoam plates with an unidentifiable 'meal' and the sounds of buzzing conversations from other groups.

I looked over at Michael's table, to see he wasn't there. I wonder where he was.

"Hey, does anyone know where Michael is today?" I asked the table.

Most people shook their head, but Talia, being the idiot that she is, had the audacity to say: "Aw, are you worried about Mikey? Someone's got a crush." Pouting a little.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't. Just because I ask where someone is doesn't automatically mean I like someone. It's called being well-mannered and polite. Oh, sorry, there big words. I meant being nice." I stabbed my fork at my 'food'. I hate it when people accuse me of something I've denied plenty times already.

"Jeez, calm your shit Rylee. No need to get so defensive. Learn to take a joke." Talia rolled her eyes and went on her phone.

"Do you have anything nice to say to anybody, Talia? I stood up for myself. And I'm pretty sure everyone on this table could refer to your comment to anything but a joke."

I got up and walked away from the table, more specially out the cafeteria. Nobody roamed the halls during lunch, it was mainly the cafeteria and the basketball courts where people hung out.

I sat down, leaning against a wall. I heard footsteps approaching, but didn't think they'd be for me. The figure leant down.

"Hey, um, you looked pretty upset when you stormed out the cafeteria. And nobody followed you...you ok?" Michael said.

I shook my head. "Where have you been? I didn't see you in the cafeteria."

"Didn't feel like sitting in there today, I was hanging around the lockers near the cafeteria." He explained.

"But...you ok?" He said, awkwardly kneeling down.

I sighed loudly. "Yeah, don't worry about it. Just friends."I managed a small smile. Michael made no move to get up or leave.

"Um...do you wanna sit down?" I offered the cold floor to him.

He sat down. A few minutes passed and neither of us said a word.

"Do you wanna talk about what's going on? I'm a decent listener." I laughed at his lame attempt of a silence breaker.

"Don't worry, really." I shook my head. We fell back into the uncomfortable silence we were in a minute ago, with the bell ringing a few minutes later.

"You didn't have to sit with me." I told Michael.

He shrugged. "Pays to be nice. Think if it as a payback for yesterday." The car ride.

He began to walk the opposite way I was walking when he turned and called over his shoulder,

"Still no closer to where we're never were!"

I shook my head and kept walking.

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