maknae line ideal type

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Jimin's ideal girlfriend would have a good personality-someone nice with a cute appearance. He would also prefer it if his girlfriend was shorter than him. Although he doesn't have someone in mind similar to those traits, the right girl will come along someday.


V prefers someone who appears at first to be cold but actually has a warm heart. He also expects his future girlfriend to be kind and respectful to her parents. He has explained in the past that he wants someone who can help him manage his money and jokingly says that if he wastes his money, his significant other should playfully smack him.

t the end of the day, he also wants someone that can make him hot chocolate.


Jungkook's preferred traits in a girlfriend include someone with a healthy body, with toned muscles and pretty legs, but who is also very intelligent. He also wants someone who is great at singing and cooking. Jungkook has also admitted that, as he is very competitive, he would want someone as competitive as him. His ideal girlfriend would also be shorter than him

I don't want to hurt your feelings nor my feelings but I just have to put this.

He also mentioned IU and Emma Watson was close to his ideal type.

We all know that but it still hurts😭

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