여덟 - 8

346 17 22

A feeling, a warm feeling.
What was it?
It was soft, soft and warm and—
And moving?

It was dark. I laid there, god knows wherever I was, waiting and building up the energy to finally open my eyes. I did so, and found myself looking ahead to a dark dead end.

My heart instantly start racing, while I was left panicked and confused as to why I was here.

Where was I?

What happened last night?

Oh, that's right.

Avrixíos happened.

I sighed irritated and turned all my attention to where the warm feeling came from, to an arm around me, wait wait , w h a t.

An arm.
An arm.
Around, me?

I jolted up and hastily turned towards the beholder of the said arm, ah of course. There, in all his glory, laid Avrixíos.

I searched in his mildly surprised eyes on any sort of indication that he did something to me or rather, any embarrassment at all.



As we stood silent for moments, staring into each other's eyes, I couldn't help but slightly blush and become flustered at the current situation. I then turned my stare into a glare, how dare he bring here without my consent!

While [Name] now stared at him with anger and irritation, Avrixíos' stare turned from one of adoration to amusement. [Name] quickly noticed this and turned away huffing in anger, "Avrixíos."

Uh oh.

His eyes widened a bit, while the previous twinkle of amusement in his eyes and his smirk faded into one of a frown.

Avrixíos slowly sat up, gulped and became nervous as to what the [H/C] girl would say. He hesitated before questioning her,"yes?"

He watched as she turned around with a cold look in her eyes that made him wince, "What. did. you. do. to. me. last. night."

Avrixíos looked away before returning his gaze on her, "I just took you to where I'm staying until you woke up."

I raised an eyebrow at that, signaling for the whole truth. Avrixíos smirked ,"What? Don't believe me?"

I narrowed my eyes, "Why didn't you take me back huh?", I sassily accused him while crossing my arms. He deadpanned at me," If you haven't noticed, I have huge black wings attached to my back."

Oh right

He has a point

I stared at him before letting out a sigh, "That better be all to it." I watched as he started advancing towards me, my eyes widened and before I could even think straight or run, he hovered over me holding me down by my wrists.

Just great, typical

"W-What are you doing!", I yelled without meaning to. Then again he took me by surprise.

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