My life is a lie.

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DISCLAIMER: The following heap of words you are about to read may mentally and/or physically scar you as I seem to be the only one who finds it amusing. This was also heavily inspired by a wonderful dub my friend did of the pilot episode of Sherlock. Essentially, if there is an element in this story which makes very little if any sense, it was probably derived from that dub. Enjoy my rubbish writing skills and lastly, i'm sorry.

This is the remarkable tale of a Sherlock Fanfiction in which Sherlock's legs get replaced with wheels, Watson does a backflip, and one more equally remarkable thing occurs which will not be disclosed till the end of the publication in an act of building suspense for the reader.

Rain sloshed about the sidewalks and into the streaming streets. The day was as every bit as climatic as a teen-fanfiction rendered necessary to keep readers engaged for any prolonged period of time. In this battle against the elements lie our main protagonist Sherlock, who as you may have already figured from the introduction, will soon have two of his limbs replaced with wheels. His flat was a whopping three miles from his current position, and exempting the possible taxi route which he refused to utilize after that incident with the Pokemon cards, he had no other known method of transit other than the one he was using right now. It was an awful shame as well for the reason that he would be missing his mother's homemade spaghetti. Which was a renowned favorite of his. 

However, much to his amazement he saw a glint of hope within the fog. A particularly busy sign an approximate twelve feet from his present placement with the heading "Redbull Gives You Wings." In a desperate attempt to make it home before the rest of the noodles had been consumed he ordered a can of the substance. But as it may this wasn't the case at all. Instead of two feathery components extending from his back he suddenly had acquired two wheels directly where his legs should have been.

"Goddammit." He muttered to himself. 

Clearly upset with the outcome he began furiously wheeling away, in a way that only a man who was trying to behave angrily upon having wheels for legs could. Watson, who just happened to be positioned on a nearby balcony for no reason other than to further the plot heard his struggle. And back-flipped off the balcony in order to reach him. Unfortunately however he did not survive the fall as there was a massive twelve feet distance between him and the ground he collided with. This was the part of the intro that was overlooked to provide further suspense, and it is hoped that it had an effective outcome.

Sherlock eventually arrived back home wheels and all, and was overall left with three spaghetti noodles, which he was in no way bothered to see.

The end. 

Sherlock's Legs Get Replaced With Wheels and Watson Does A Backflip.Where stories live. Discover now