Chapter 43: you will find out one day

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Photo: Oli ❤️
Song: unbreakable - of mice and men

Tattoos actually aren't that painful well at least that's what I thought. "For fucksake" Oli moaned as Leo tattooed his chest. Yes we came back. Only for Oli to get another chest piece done. He was in so much agony and I was just laughing. "Dude it's nearly done" Leo reassured Oli. I glanced around the room I was bored out my mind. It had been a while since I had contacted my parents since moving in with Oli. I doubt they wanna see me. Your family are supposed to love you not treat you like shit. You have every right to hate a family member, just because they're blood related don't mean shit. I've known Oli for only a few months, whereas I've known my dad my whole life. Oli has been there for me more than my father has.

I blinked and shoved those thoughts to the back of my head. I really just want to start over again. You know? With everything and everyone. Bring Me The Horizon are playing a show tonight and I'm really excited, suicide season came out now not long ago and it was a massive hit. I was pretty excited because I haven't been to any of their concerts before and Ashley is coming. So socialising and seeing my boyfriend perform is going to be awesome.


"You know and I was like I am not sucking your dick" Ashley yelled across her bedroom.

"What?" I blinked.

"This fucking little shit came up to me and said he'd pay me if I sucked his dick" she said in disgust and made a vomit noise.

I shook my head and laughed "how nice of him" I smirked. "He thought I was a "prostitute!" She yelled.
"Oh my god" I choked "well I mean I don't blame him sometimes your outfits can be pretty revealing" I said trying not to sound bitchy.

"Well yes but well no but oh shhhh!" She laughed.

Tonight was gonna be sick and I was getting ready at Ashley's. Unfortunately Oli kicked me out to get 'pre ready' for the show. I basically wore all black like always. I curled my hair and applied my makeup. I went for the smokey eye look today, wait that's my every day makeup. I breathed in and out. Okay Ruby you can do this! I was extremely nervous mainly because I HATE crowds. I just can't stand the thought of getting trapped with heaps of people surrounding me. Like personal space? Who am I kidding this is a fucking concert I'm such an idiot. One thing I like about going to  concerts is that you all have one thing in common with everyone there and that's having the same music taste.

I turned around from Ashley's mirror and looked at her. She looked absolutely stunning, she was wearing a similar outfit to me, her red and black hair was glistening in the light. Her makeup was so outstanding tonight how does she do it? Why am I always the ugly one? Like where's my glow up? Someone please tell me. We both hurried to Ashley's car, buckled ourselves in and set off to the show.

Me and Ashley gave the security guard our tickets and he searched us quickly. I found this very awkward but I guess this has to be done. He nodded for us to go in and I scurried into the venue. Oli had both gave me and Ashley VIP tickets even though I've met the whole entire band before... I love him.

We had to wait for the supporting acts to play first. They were okay but I know Bring Me The Horizon will be much better. I sipped on my lemonade Ashley had bought me. I glanced to the side of me and saw a ginger haired girl. I swear if this is Hayley! "What's wrong?" Ashley said waving her hand in front of my face.

I shook my head and sighed "I think Hayley's here" I said.
"What? Why?" Ashley muttered looking around the place and then spotted her.
Before I knew it she made her way over there, dragging me with her. Hayley looked at me with her bitch resting face and tried not to laugh. "Why the fuck are you here?" Ashley spat.

"To see my boyfriend play" she said holding her head up high like she gave no fucks.
"You've got to be Fucking kidding me" I snorted.
"What?" She said frowning.
"Oli is not your Fucking boyfriend! Just leave already. I get it you like him but he doesn't like you back I'm sorry" I said trying to sound as nice as could. Even though she's been a total bitch towards me.
"Fuck off back to your family and slit your wrists maybe if you do it deep enough this time you might not be here tomorrow morning" Hayley spat pushing me out the way.

I'm sorry but that is unacceptable who does she think she is? "You bitch!" I screamed as I turned around, grabbing her hair and pulling it shoving her into the wall. I fell over heaps of people and of course I felt bad. "You will find out one day Ruby" She snickered. Find out what? So I slapped her round the face.

Ashley was trying to pull me away but I wanted to destroy Hayley. Anger rushed through my body I needed to get it out. "It's not worth it" Ashley said dragging me away from her. People were just staring at me like I was some sort of psychopath. Maybe I am?


"What the fuck did you think you were doing?" Oli yelled in anger. Oli had to take me and Ashley backstage because the security guards were threatening to throw us out. "Hayley that's why" I gritted my teeth. He shook his head and laughed "What the fuck is wrong with you at the moment?" He exclaimed.

I frowned... why is he being like this? Hayley is stalking us and he doesn't seem to give a flying fuck. "She is stalking us you dick" I said sighing. "I haven't got time for you to moan about this shit" he said angrily.
Ok you don't want me to be here? I'll go.
"Fine fuck You" I said grabbing my bag aggressively, I opened the door walking out the green room everyone was standing at the door eavesdropping. "Ruby don't go!" Jordan shouted. I ignored his calling and pushed past everyone I had to leave. "Ruby what happened?" Ashley asked me looking worried I pushed past her and found the exit and left. It was dark outside and I was already shivering. I squinted my eyes and saw a guy with a camera standing against a wall on his phone.

"Ruby" he said lifting his head up "what's wrong?"
I walked closer to him and it was Tom. My smile lifted a bit but not to much, I probably looked a right mess.
"Come here" Tom said pulling me into a hug .
I honestly can't wait to upload the next chapter! Oooo it's gonna be a bit dramatic! & I'm gonna include Oli a lot  more.
Tell me if I've made any mistakes I don't always notice them lol❤️ thank you for 18k reads ily guys

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