Just Pushed My Mate Out The Window

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I suck at spelling , and writing just so you all know.

Devin's POV

Starting a new school sucks, esspesially when everyone is staring at you. Who am I you might ask, well I am 17 year old Devin night. My skin is so sickly pale that people could say i am a vampire, (but don't wory i'm not.) My thick, red hair falls in messy curls down to my shoulders. My eyes are a bewitching lapis lazul color. I am not annerexic thin, but im not huge either. My mom tells me i have got all the right curves in all the right places. I was wearing a blue shirt that showed off some, but not a lot of cleavage, and that clinged to my body. My black skinny jeans showed off my perfectly fit legs. All of the guys stares were lust filled, while the girls were staring daggers at my back.

"Well hello beautifu," came a voice from behind me. I turned, only to look at the most amazing 6 pack abs, hidden behind a tight black athletic shirt. My gaze slowly lifted up to see his face. He had light brown hair the color of honey. His lips were so tempting to kiss, and then i looked at his amazing green eyes. they shown with a cocky era, only to be changed to a shocked expression. I tryed to rember if I had forgot to bring my pants orsomething. I was just about to ask when, my twin brother inturrupted. "

" Hey Desmond, you fealing alright. You are staring at my sister like she just beat you at Halo, which trust me she can."

i l'aughed in my head, yup this was my twin brother, Damon. I swear he was addopted, he had light blond hair, brown eyes, and was built well.

"Nice to see you to dammy," was my reply. Desmond was still staring at me, and it was really freaking me out. I was so ready to book it out of their.

" Well, Dammy, as much as this little chat was fun, i should really get going to my classes." As soon as the words left my mouth i sprinted to my science class.

The first two periods were very univentful. It was not untill i reached my math class that i stood their in aww. Their in the front row was Desmond with some slut sitting on his lap. As soon as i saw this a pang of jealousy rang through my heart. i wanted to walk up to that slut and show her why i had a black belt. Just before i could go up their my head cleared. What the hack was i doing feeling jealouse. I had only just met Desmond this morning. I shook it off and then headed to a seat in the back of the room. When i turned forward again i noticed Desmond staring at me. So now the jerk decides to pay attention. It was a good thing that i didn't care about the girl nibbiling on his neck right now. If i did she would probably already be in a coma. I was just about to stand up and go talk to the slut when a voie startled me.

"Hey, Im Jessicca it is so nice to meet you. I noticed you were staring daggers at Serina, and new right away that we would make good friends." I stared at jessica and new that i liked her. Any girl who hated sluts were fantastic in my book. i turned toward the pettit blond.

"It's nice to meet you, i'm Devin."

" Cool name. So i noticed you staring at my brother, do you like him. Cause if you did you would be the first ressonible girl he has ever gone out with." So jessica was Desmonds brother, nice to know.

" Acctualy i kind of think he is a jerk, and i would never date a low life like him." I told Jessica. I swear i heard i low growl fill the room, but decided it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Jessica looked at me shocked, and before I knew what had happened she was hugging me.

" OMG! I just know we will bff's. Any one that doesn't want to date my brother is tottaly amazing." i laughed at her enthusiasam, we were going to be the best of friends.

At lunch Jessica and I sat alone. she explained to me that she never really had friends because she was affraid that they would just use her to get to her brother. I would never do that. When i looked up from my food tray i saw Jessica staring at my brothe, a thought occured to me.

"He is so cute, you should go ask him out," I told Jessica. She blushed as bright as a tomato, and stammered

"w..w..well I d..d...don't think that would be the best idea,' she told me. I just rolled my eyes, i was getting her to talk to Damon one way or another.

" Well fine then, but since you did not talk to him you have to come over to my house this afternoon." She shrugged and told me that she would meet me by the bike rack after school. After I left lunch school became boring. Turnes out the only class i had with both Jessica and Desmond was math. I was in my last period of the day trying to ignor the lustfull stares directed at me from all angles. Just one more minute before I would be out of this hell hole. When the bell finally rang I raced to the bike rack to discover jessica had beaten me. We started walking to my corvet. Once we got in I put on some music and raced home. If i was going to fix Jessica and Damon up I had to beat him home.

Sorry it sucks. My grandma just died 5 hours ago. so tell me what you think, and if i should continue writing.

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