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||hello! welcome to my account! this is a place of role-playing. it can be sexual or non sexual, however you may choose.  also, i am not new at this, i just wanted to start again.

my only requests are:

i. roleplay in third person only! and lowercase is preferred.

ii. we can either talk first or you can send in a scene, either way is perfectly fine!

iii. please tell me who you'd like to talk to before we talk/roleplay, so i can mark them as talking right away. i hate getting my oc's confused.

iv. please don't text talk unless it is with me, the ooa. (owner of account/ out of anon) and when talking with me please use something to indicate that we are out of roleplay. i.e., [] {} () //.

v. i'm very nice when i want to be! you be nice, i will be nice.

vi. no cheating. i hate that shit.

vii. i do not have a time limit on replies, however, if you are CLEARLY online and you don't reply, i will send a ¿ to see what's up. if that happens 3 times i'm done unless our rp is real good.

viii. subs can talk to multiple accounts unless you reserve them. (:

i think that's it. if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

my name is sienna if you wanna talk. (:

comment a <3 for a roleplay
or a ! to talk (on the bios)||

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