Chapter 1

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"Flamepaw! Icepaw! Flamepaw, Icepaw!" The cheers rang through Flamepaw's ears and he shivered, from ears to tail-tip. He was an apprentice now! A real apprentice!

After six boring moons in the nursery, Flamepaw would finally be able to hunt and fight for his Clan, like a warrior. I'm going to be the best apprentice ever! He thought, excited.

"Ready to explore the territory?" Spiderfoot, Flamepaw's new mentor, padded up to him.

The reddish tom exchanged a thrilled glance with Icepaw, his littermate. "I was born ready!" He replied, fur spiked with excitement. "Let's go!"

Exchanging amused glances, Spiderfoot and Frostwhisker - Icepaw's mentor - padded towards the camp entrance. They were the two most senior warriors in the Clan; Spiderfoot had had two apprentices before, and Frostwhisker one.

Before his apprentice ceremony, Flamepaw'd guessed he and his sister would get Thrushwing and Sparrowclaw as their mentors; the two cats had been warriors for about five moons now, and were more than ready. Every cat had seemed surprised when Spiderfoot and Frostwhisker were chosen, but Flamepaw didn't care, as long as they taught him everything!

As they exited the ThunderClan camp, Icepaw gasped in amazement and Flamepaw squeaked. The forest was amazing! A log lay on its side nearby, moss clinging onto it; green leaves rustled overhead as branches swayed gently. The trees' smooth trunks creaked as the breeze whispered through them. Welcome, young ones, the forest seemed to say.

"We're near the Old Thunderpath," informed Frostwhisker. "Twolegs don't really use it, and it has yellow, sandy gravel instead of Thunderpath Stone." After a minute of walking, they arrived. As they emerged onto the path, Spiderfoot leaned down to Flamepaw and murmured, "What do you smell?"

Flamepaw took a deep breath, tasting the air. "Well, trees."

Spiderfoot's eyes sparked with annoyance. "Apart from trees."

"Well..." Flamepaw frowned, sniffing harder. "Is that the smell of Twolegs?"

"That's right," Spiderfoot gave Flamepaw an approving glance. "It's faint though, isn't it? That's because the path's abandoned," he trotted over the path and disappeared into thr undergrowth on the other side. Flamepaw hurried after him.

Soon, Flamepaw's paws began to ache. They had been trekking for a while now. The red tom was relieved when they stopped to drink from a stream. He lapped the water up thirstily, soothing his burning throat. Beside him, Icepaw was doing the same. Out of the corner of his eye, Flamepaw saw ice shimmering on the water that her tongue touched, spreading further with each lick... Flamepaw shook his head. You're dreaming, you mouse-brain!

Soon enough they continued, Flamepaw's legs still aching. His pads were sore and his toes hurt from when he'd stubbed his foot on a tree root.

Eventually, they reached an ancient-looking Twoleg den. Flamepaw's hackles rose. "Where are the Twolegs?"

"They don't live here anymore," answered Frostwhisker. "Leopardtail grows herbs here now, since they're sheltered by the nest."

They moved on again. Flamepaw listened to the debris crunching beneath his paws, liking the satisfying sound. However, soon the ground was littered with pine needles instead.

"The ShadowClan border." Spiderfoot peered into the dark pines ahead, eyes narrowed. Flamepaw shivered. "It looks so dark, and... murky."

Frostwhisker nodded. "They prefer darkness to the light. They're not like cats at all; in fact, they're just evil, crow-food-eating fleabags."

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