The night of new meetings

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I sat on the support beam of the roof, letting my back talon and tail hang over the edge while Mabel continued her rant on how Bill Cipher, a well known dream demon, kept hurting her loved ones. She walked back and forth blabbering about Bill's recent attempt to hurt them. "I'm so tired of this! Bill and his schemes!!" Mabel exclaimed flopping onto her bed sighing greatly. "I'm sorry little one. I wish I where able to help you but you know I'm bound by soul to never give away a fellow demons weakness nor locations." I spoke softly with my english accent, resting my snout upon the wooden beam. Mabel shot up from her position on her soft bed and quickly looked to me. "Wait you make deals like Bill right?!" She asked suddenly excited. I looked to her raising one eyelid slightly. "Yes. Why do you ask little one?" I responded curiously. She jumped up multiple times causing the attic floors to creak in protest. "Then I want to make a deal with you!!" She shouted. I felt my heart drop as the words left her mouth. I lifted my head looking to her. "Why would you ever do that? It's hardly sensible at all." I said calming myself knowing if I let my fear be known it wouldn't help the current situation. Mabel looked at me with complete hunger and need filled her hurt eyes. "I want you to kill Bill Cipher the demon for any price!!" She yelled as if her life depended on the simple sentence. I sighed and lifted myself up slightly so I could address her properly to let her understand the importance of my explanation I was about to give. "Mabel you know it doesn't work that way. I can not just make a random deal. You must summon me properly with sacrifices you could never understand before I make the deal." I explained knowing she wouldn't like my answer. "I am a very powerful demon so you can't expect this to be easy." Mabel sighed and closed her eyes. "Thanks anyways Chaos." She said sadly. I jumped down limping with my bad leg towards her. I pushed her shoulder gently with my snout. "I will always be here for you. Never forget that little one. Even though I can't do such things you hoped for." I said whole heartedly looking up to her eyes. She smiled and hugged my neck. "I will never forget." She said softly in my ear. I nuzzled her and pulled away. "Time for your resting hours little one." I said picking her up by her sweater's neck. She giggled as I set her into her bed pulling the blanket over her shoulders. She cuddled her stuffed creature and closed her eyes. I turned back and extinguished the small flame that lit the twins room allowing darkness to settle upon the small attic. I turned back watching her slowly slip to slumber. Once she was fully sleeping I jumped out of the rooms window spreading my wings to their fullest extent flying up closer to the nights sky. My wings glided over each winds movement allowing me to fly with ease. I  watched each trees' branch shift as the wind from my wing's moved them lightly. I looked out waiting for the glow of the lake's life source to appear to me. The lake was a safe place for me when stressful issues came up. The cool breezes that came off the lake's waters which dampened my scales was like cleansing the days issues off my body while the scented air was filled with the green and sappy scents of the pine trees that surrounded the lake cleansed my crowded mind allowing peace to enter my soul. The dim green and blue glow of the lakes life source entered my vision indicating my arrival. I tilted my wings to land down on the shore of the lake so I could relax on the damp grassy moss and dirt. My talons met the ground with a silent thump from my weight. I allowed my wings to shift into my back disappearing into my spine as talons and legs turned to human hands and limbs. I let my human form take over so that I could truly relax. I walked over to a tree's mossy trunk sitting down to relax my sore and worn joints. My shoulder slouched as my muscles became less tense while my body leaned into the tree's welcoming bark. The shifting grass beneath me tickled my tail's nerves causing it to twitch. The breeze picked up the lake's waters bringing them to dampen my skin while the smells in the air entered my nose's nerves relaxing my mind. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling if each nerve that was triggered by the actions of nature's loving touch. A small rustling in the shrubbery to my left caused my attention to be drawn away from the relaxation my body had welcomed. I watched as a small head popped out from the bush's branches revealing curios eyes. A small fawn it was that caught my attention. It stepped out slowly noticing my relaxed figure. The fawn sniffed at me twitching it's ear to me. The fawn's eye was filled with curiosity and pain as it's furs was still dotted with it's youth's patterns. I gently reached out welcoming the small fawn's presents. The little creature walked closer sniffing my hand curiously. Unlike humans I was able to interact with creatures that would normally run in fear. My breed of demon, even though meant to create chaos, was also meant to comfort those in need of the comfort I could offer. Thus the reason this small fawn decided to not run but approach my calm figure that leaned into the tree's bark. The fawn walked closer as I rubbed it's ear lovingly. It leaned into my touch and flopped down tiredly against my leg. I felt it's exhaustion come off it's soul in powerful waves. I held the fawn's side gently rubbing circles in it's fur to sooth it's stressed mind. Slowly the fawn's eyes closed and head fell as slumber claimed it's small fragile body. I continued the soothing massage on it's ribs. The hours passed slowly as the fawn slept against my leg happily. It was about mid night when a constant heavy thumping caught my attention. It was the sound of approaching steps of another creature. The small fawn startled awake and was up within an instant running with it's little bounce most deer had. I sighed sadly as the creatures soul went further and further from me. The thumping was close now indicating the approach of the creature. I looked over in time to see a life source emerge. The life source had a golden glow with a black mist clinging to it. The life source was so rare that it caught me off guard causing me to be fully awake as the creature approached me. "You scared off my little friend you know." I said calmly watching the life source draw closer. "My apologies miss. I just couldn't resist the curiosity that tugged at my brain." The voice of this man was like a glitching computer. I tilted my head confusion filling me. I knew that voice. I've heard it in everyone' of my friend's heads before. I couldn't be certain if this was the man. "What do you mean curiosity?" I asked politely to the man. "I could sense a demon here but the thing was I couldn't enter their  mind to find out who it was. So," The man crouched down next to me. "I came to introduce myself to the demon. Which happens to be a beautiful girl." He spoke with cheek that annoyed my slightly. "Well go on." I said sitting up to address him with my best manners. "I'm Chaosrunner the one who's mind you can't enter." I said looking him in the eyes. His life source quickly filled with excitement as he realized who I was. I was the most dangerous demon much more dangerous than Bill Cipher. The man held his hand out which I took firmly. I was pulled into the man's shoulder which wasn't what I thought it was. It was a real human's shoulder warm and fleshy with clothing on it. I was completely confused until that glitching voice entered my ear again. "Hello Chaosrunner. My names Bill Cipher it's great to finally meet you."

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