Unexpected guest

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I jolted awake as I had yet another night terror that involved my past life's issues. I felt my body shiver as I continued to calm my over active nerves. My breath slowed as my none existent heart rate became stable. I slowly stood up as my legs continued to shake from my horrible startle. I walked up to the mirror in the twins room looking into my reflection seeing each scar on my face. My eyes where dark holes in my skull revealing the exhaustion I felt through out my aching body. I was drawn from my thoughts from the sound of banging and voices coming from down stairs in the shacks kitchen. I sighed and rubbed away any trace of the night terror I was awaken by. I turned and walked out of the room down to the kitchen to find Stan chasing a mouse with a broom stick. He swatted at it but missed each chance he got to swipe it. The mouse ran towards me in hopes of escape or protection from the angry Stan. I bent down and placed my hands out for the small fuzzy creature to run into my protective grasp. Stan stopped as I felt the small feet tickle my palms nerves indicating his arrival to me. I stood up holding the small creature feeling it's racing heart beat against my palms. I gently rubbed circles on it's back soothing the small mouse's fear of Stan. "What are you doing?!?!" Stan asked angered. He held his broom as if his life depended on the wooden tool. I started walk to the shacks exit planning to release the small creature so it could be safe from the broom's wrath. "I am simply removing this small beast so we can move on with are day and so it can too." I stated bluntly opening the creaking wooden door. "I was gonna cook the small annoying fuzzball for lunch so I didn't have to spend any money!" He exclaimed fixing his glasses onto his nose. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I walked out from the cooling shades of the shack to the hot summers breeze. I rubbed the mouses shoulders and walked closer to the shaded forest that surrounded the shack. "It's insanitary to eat a mouse that you randomly found. They could be carrying diseases that your mind would never be able to grasp and you could welcome said diseases into your body by digesting the meats of this small beast. Also there's hardly enough nutrition on this little guy to fulfill the twins needs at the age they are in. They need more nutrition than you think to keep their bodies running properly. So no Stan you will not be eating this mouse." I said setting the small mouse down into a nice shaded hiding area for it's small body to be in until it was ready to leave. The little creature looked up at me with it's big eyes as if thanking me for it's protection. I gently scratched it's chin as a sign of acknowledgement to his thanks. "Blah blah blah that's all I heard coming from your cheap british accent." Stan muttered to me as I stood, watching the mouse flee. "It's not a british accent it's how my demon breed sounds to you plus it's not cheap it's quite a thick accent if you where to hear how a few others spoke." I said irritated by his remark. It's not like I asked to sound this way but in all honesty I loved the sound of it. My heritage was rich in history and never ceased to amaze me. I loved my breed of demon even though I didn't always agree with their pass choices in life. I turned back to the shack ignoring what else Stan had to comment on my voice or any other part of me. I walked back to the small wooden door entering the cool shade happily. The twins had already seated themselves at the kitchen table awaiting their morning meal. Mabel looked excited as ever while Dipper looked as if she just pulled him down the entire flight of stairs to the kitchen table just to have some food. "Good morning Chaos!!" Mabel said happily swinging her feet underneath the table. "Good morning Mabel. Good morning Dipper." I greeted with my usual blank tone. A low mumbling noise came from Dipper as he responded to my greetings. I walked over to the small stove that Stan used to cook each meal for the twins. It was filthy and covered in dirt. Not what he should be using to prepare their food upon. "Stan you must clean this stove. You could cause one of the twins to get food poisoning of sorts and that will not go well with their parents." I said pulling out a pan preparing the twins food. "Yeah Yeah whatever mom." Stan grumbled at me turning away with his newspaper. I wiped my hands off on the towel I tied to my hips and grasped his ear tightly tugging on it. Stan yelped in protest and leaned into the pain. "You will not address me that way with such cheek. I am simply a friend who is watching over the twins with you ensuring their health is maintained properly and not just thrown aside like they don't even matter. You will address me by my name and nothing else. Understood?" I said tugging his ear harder. "Ow ow okay I'm sorry I won't do that again!" Stan said trying to escape my grasp. "Thank you Stanley." I said releasing him and returning to my preparations for the twins meal. "You just got burned by a girl Gruncle Stan!!" Mabel exclaimed giggling while Dipper lifted his head off the table to laugh as well. Stan huffed and walked out from the kitchen area to another room allowing me to return my attention to the twins. I placed two plates of waffles and fruits in front of the twins allowing them to start eating happily. I sat down calmly and watched as they stuffed themselves full. "Oh Chaos!" Dipper said through a mouth full of berries. I looked to him curiously. "Yes little one?" I responded. Dipper pulled out his journal and moved his plate for it to sit. I looked at the journal displeased. I never liked them considering the knowledge they held. Imagine if it where to fall into the wrong hands. Oh wait they have. Dipper opened the journal and flipped through the pages searching for a specific one. " I was wondering if you could translate this for me seeming you know many languages." He pointed to a few sentences that where written perfectly in a demon language. 'How on earth did Stan's brother obtain these things? Mostly how can I trust him?' I thought to myself looking closer to the words. Considering how blind I was the only thing I could see was the letters glowing golden shades. I looked closer and read them. "Well these few sentences mention what demon Bill cipher is and the  abilities he possess. Most likely written in this language to ensure no human could read it or for a specific demon he could've known to be able to read this. As for these few they speak of there being many other breeds of demons out there which most likely is to help him keep the demons straight. Sadly this isn't even scratching the surface of all the demon tribes and or breeds which is good." I explained looking back to Dipper. He closed his book with a thud and returned it to his lap. "What do you mean?" He asked looking up to me. I shifted lightly in my seat folding my hands. "The less you all know about us demons the better. Knowledge may be great but at times. Its a curse." My hand moved to my left eye where I had a giant scar from almost losing it. "Oh I see." Dipper responded, gently grasping my hand to remove it from the scar. I folded my hands once again and continued my thinking. "Thanks Chaos." Dipper said stuffing his mouth once again. I nodded my head in response and closed my eyes taking the few moments I had to meditate. The sound of forks on plates and munching of berries didn't bother me. It was much better than the sounds I use to be accustom to. I shook my head as the sound of chairs creaking broke my thoughts. Dipper and Mabel stood up together and headed to their room. "We're gonna get dressed. We'll be back." Mabel called out proceeding to her room. I hummed in response and cleaned their plates placing them back to their resting places. I turned and sat back down sipping my tea as I sunk into my chair. The door bell rang out catching my attention causing me to look up. No one responded to the bell ringing so I stood setting my tea down and headed for the wooden door. I reached for the handle and tugged it open revealing the little boy named Gideon. "Well hello miss Chaos. Is Stan home?" He asked innocently attempting to trick me. "Love don't act innocent when you aren't. No one will ever take you seriously in the real world. Besides you can't lie to a mind reader Gideon Gleeful." I said darkly causing him to glare up at me. "Listen demon you either tell me where Stan is or I while destroy you." He said threateningly. I laughed and looked at him. "The little circus baby is making threats so adorable." I said mockingly making Gideon growl in hatred. "I am not a threat to be taken lightly!! I can destroy demons like you!!" he yelled. I leaned down to his height and gave him a dark look. "I already met your little demon friend. He is a gentle men might I add but you. Your just a little brat. You know nothing of what I am or what I can do buy Bill does. So don't threaten me because last time I checked your a little boy and I'm a demon who can kill you with a flick of my tail. Understand." Gideon gave me a terrified look as I showed him my kind of power with my mind controlling ability. He stumbled back and screamed. I smirked and rose back to my feet as he ran off terrified. I chuckled and turned around only to be stopped as my chuckling was being echoed. I knew the voice's owner too. I turned around in time to see Bill Cipher's life source appear to me. "Hey there Chaos I was wondering when I'd see you  again. Our last meeting was very fun." His life source floated down to me as he landed on the ground. I looked at him calmly and held my hands together at my waist. "Yes I suppose it was fun. You sadly just missed little Gideon." I spoke calmly hiding all emotions from Bill. "Well that's the thing. I wasn't here for Gideon I was here for you." Bill stated walking a little closer to me. I looked at him and  drew  breath. "Well what can I possibly help you with?" I asked shifting on my feet. Bill chuckled and looked at me smirking. "Well you know us deal making demons have our rules and requirements for each person we make deals with. I mean after all your quite famous for your deals with the demons." He said very enthusiastically. I nodded and gestured for him to continue. "Well I need you to not scare Gideon or get in the way of my line of work if that's possible. I'd hate for you to get hurt in some way." He said the last sentence darkly. I felt amusement and anger rise as he threatened me. I chuckled and looked at him. "Love you can't kill me. I'm deathless. If you want to threaten me properly you've got to do better than that." I responded showing my demon eyes off to him earning a chuckle. "Oh I have my ways. Just wait little Chaos." Bill said with amusement. "Until then I was hoping you would meet me at our first meeting place. I would love it if you would answer a few questions for me so we could have a better understanding of one another." Bill said moving back from me. I leaned into the door frame thinking. "You could be leading me to a trap. Why should I trust you?" I inquired to him not letting my voice waver. "You're much more powerful than a simple dream demon like me. So how would I trap you?" Bill responded cheekily. "I'll go. But not because you asked. Because I have my own questions that are needing answers as well." I said pushing off the door frame preparing to enter the shack. "Excellent! Let's shake on it!" Bill exclaimed holding his hand outward. I smirked at his plan and grasped his hand shaking with confidence. "You have a deal."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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