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I can't do this.
All of these sleepless nights, all because of him. (Words 651)


Chan fell back on his bed once more. As much as he loved his members, they always wanted too much from him.

The poor guy couldn't even catch a break, every two seconds someone was calling his name.

Not like he would mind anyway, the more they would bug him, the less he slept, the less he would have time to sit down to think.

The less those horrible memories would crawl back into his mind and mess with him.

Chan was tired, everyday.

He never allowed himself to sleep, nor did he want to.

Sleep was not a thing he enjoyed anymore.

Sleep is calming thing, not for Chan, at least.

He can't stand the fact that everytime he wakes up, there's an empty space in the bed, a space where a special someone should be.

So he doesn't sleep.

He can't stand the fact that he can't run his hands through his hair anymore, or stare and smile at him until he woke up and caught him.

So he doesn't sleep.

It's colder without him, the air is getting thinner, his eyes become blurry from the tears forcing to come out.

What hurts the most is that he won't even look at him, or talk to him unless he has really has to.

On stage, on interviews, on shows... when he left.

Those are the only time he would make any interaction with him.

Chan has tried everything.

Begging, crying, pleading.

Nothing would work, he'd simply ignore him, and go on with his day.

Chan knew he fucked up, and was willing to do anything to fix it.

But Woojin was so cold hearted.

"Woojin, please, talk to me." Chan begged to him. "I miss your voice.. Please."

As expected, he said nothing.

"I'm sorry.. I know I messed up, and I want to fix it, so please let me."

Tears started pooling up into Chan's eyes until they started to fall.


Woojin turned to Chan.

"Stop crying, Chan."

Chan was shocked at this, he quickly wiped his tears.

"You're- You're talking to me.."

Woojin hasn't said a word to him in two weeks.

"Yeah, so what?" He said without any emotion, as he went into the closet, grabbing his clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"Can't you see? I'm leaving."

"Leaving?" Chan asked, mentally praying he didn't hear him right. "Leaving this dorm?"

Woojin chuckled a little.

"Leaving here, all of this, leaving you." He said clearly.

"I-I don't under- Why would you leave?" Chan tried to say, as he felt his eyes water up again.

"I don't wanna be here." He said as he shoved all of his things in two suitcases.

"What about Stray Kids? You've worked so hard to be here, Woojin. You're just going to throw it all away?"

"You guys will do fine without me," He said completely ignoring the last question, and zipping up the suitcases. "I'm just a nobody, right? Or maybe I should stay, because we all know I wouldn't make it in the real world."

"Woojin, I didn't mean it. I was just- I was trying to protect you."

"Oh really?" He said and faced him. "Protect me from what? You're the only one that was ashamed about our relationship, Chan."

"Woojin, I-"

"Were you ashamed of me, Chan? Am I not good enough for you?"

Chan sighed as he let the memory pass through his mind once more.

He always blames himself for him leaving, even while the members said he had nothing to do with it, that's it was Woojin's decision, he didn't believe one word of it.

When Woojin left, the whole group fell apart.

They lost money, fans.

They had to stop touring for a while.

It was torture, for everyone.

And It was "all" Chan's fault.

Cold Hearted

Cold Hearted ⚛ Woochan Where stories live. Discover now