Lol Try me boi

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OK so I was absent from class tuesday bc I had to go to the drs.  And today I had to turn in an assignment which I was told wasn't for a grade..... And I didn't get all 25 things written... My teacher signed my agenda.  When you get ur agenda signed it means ur in trouble.  I had already used up all my free (No trouble) spots and had to go to Team Meeting.

Team meeting is where you skip ur 3rd or 6th period and all the teachers talk about what u done.  And the teacher who gave me the signature is my english teacher and she's my homie.  I was sitting against the lockers waiting to b let into the Team room and my English teach walks by
"what r u doin"
"waiting to be let into team?"
"You know,  you're a good kid.  Get ur act together.  Go to 3rd period.  Try to be good, Egg. "
I got off scot free bc I'm a good reader ;D

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