Chapter 1

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Gabbie's POV


And once again I wake up to the noise that all teenagers dread. An Alarm clock. I groan as I turn over and slam my fist onto the noise maker to make it shut up. I lie in bed for a while, all snuggled up in blankets, Trying to think of ideas that would allow me to sleep more.  'If I put no efforts into my appearance today, I could get 15 minutes extra sleep.' But by the time I thought of this idea, 15 minutes had gone past. So, I had to get up with no extra sleep and barely anytime to put on my makeup. 

I push open my door with my clothes in one hand and make up in the other. As I walk into the bathroom, I look up at the mirror. What the reflection shows disgusts me. As the toxic thoughts flood my head, I turn on the shower and get in, trying to drown my thoughts in the warm, steamy water. As I step out of the shower, I remind myself not to look in the mirror again as I cant give the voices more bait to cling onto. I quickly get dressed and roughly put on my makeup and then make my way down the stairs to the kitchen. I look up at the clock and realize I still had 5 minutes until I had to leave for the hell that is school. I am in my final year of High School so I drove my own car which meant I didn't have to deal with the miserable bus rides anymore.

As I still had five minutes, i decided I would finally look at my phone and just skip breakfast. I picked up my phone and saw I had 5 text messages, 3 from Liza and 2 from David. Liza is my best friend. We meet in our first year of High School. It was the first day of high school and I was awkwardly standing by my locker. All of my friends from middle school went to a different High School as I moved at the end of my last year at middle school. I was about to shut my locker when this girl with curly, black, fluffy hair and brown, glistening eyes walked around the corner. As she walked she looked all around the place but avoided eye contact at all cost. She was basically shaking as she started to walk up the stairs towards the lockers. She was just about at the top when she tripped over and fell. My immediate reaction would of been to laugh but it seemed everyone else standing around was already doing that for me. As I looked down at this helpless girl I realized she was still shaking and was on the verge of tears. I walked up to her and put out my hand. At first she flinched but for some reason she grabbed my hand and let me take her to a more isolated spot. That started a very trusting and loving friendship

The other friend who actually texts me frequently is David. David is one of my closest friends apart from Liza. I met him later on in the year. At the time all Liza and I had was each other. We were what you would  call the outcasts of the school. One day, as Liza and I sat at our table in the cafeteria, a boy with brown, messy hair, brown eyes and a quirky smile came up to us. He stood at the chair next to me and looked at the chair and then me. I beckoned for him to sit because hey! I'm a desperate teenager who craves attention. "Hi I'm David. You guys seem like outcasts. I mean why else would you be sitting by yourself? Anyway, That's perfect for my friends and I. Wanna sit at our table?". It was probably the most insulting thing he could possibly say but honestly that's what I liked about him. No bullshit what so ever. Liza was shaking, she had an extreme case of social anxiety and had a lot of problems with talking to new people. I took her hand and we followed David to a table where to guys were yelling at each other. "Honey, I'm more fabulous than you!" "That's not even possible. I mean are you even looking at me. Nothing can be more fabulous!" "Have you looked in a mirror recently?" "Yea, That's how I know". This continued for a while until David said "Guys. Shut up." One of the guys who was yelling looked like he was about to object but then saw Liza and I standing there awkwardly. David spoke again "Guys, this is...Wait what were your names?" I looked over at Liza and she was shaking as the tears built up in her eyes. I decided I better speak. "Um, I'm Gabbie and this is Liza." I answered beckoning at Liza."Hi Gabbie and Liza." Everyone said in a very monotone and burst into laughter. I already liked them. David spoke up again, "Okay so this is Zane, That's Heath, The girl over there is Kristen, and the guy next to her is Scotty, the guy next to Scotty is Toddy and the girl next to him is Corinna, the two girls there is Carly and Erin and this is Alex."

And that's how I meet my friends that I still have to this day. I decided to open the texts I got from David first.

David: Hey Gabbie!

David: Hope your okay. See you at school today right?

My smiled down at my phone. David always makes sure I am okay and happy. He is one of the sweetest people I know. I decided to not reply as I need to leave in 3 minutes but then opened the texts from Liza.

Liza: GOBBIE!!

Liza: You better be up by now or Imma kill you

Liza: Remember to pick me up okay? Unlike last Friday. I am still alive!!

I laughed to myself. Liza doesn't own a car yet and buses sends her social anxiety sky rocketing. Ever since I could drive I've been taking her to school. Apart from last Friday when I was in such a rush I forgot. I had to buy her lunch as an apology. 

I grabbed my bag, yelled my mum a goodbye and headed out the front door. I unlocked my very fancy Toyota Corolla and climbed in. Liza only lived a 5 minute drive from my house. Its perfect since we get to see each other a lot more often if we lived hours away from each other. I started the engine and made my way to Liza's house. When I arrived she was standing in the driveway waiting for me. She smiled and opened the passengers door. "GOBBIE!!" she said enthusiastically as she climbed in. She gave me a hug hello and then put her seat belt on. "Hey Liza! Excited for tonight?" I asked as I started to back out of the driveway. "Hell yea! As long as its only our friend group then I'll be fine. Although Zane's parties can get chaotic." She wasn't wrong. Last time he got extremely drunk and broke a table. "Hopefully all the furniture has been moved to a safer location" We both laughed and continued talking for the rest of the drive.

We got to school with about 15 minutes to the bell. I was quite pleased with myself. Liza and I climbed out of the car and made our way into the school building. Our school was an old brick building. It was built before world war two and has remained standing ever since. I never thought hell could look so beautiful. Our school has a lot of corridors and sometimes I honestly feel as if I'm in Harry Potter. Sadly we don't learn transfiguration here. We made our way to the library which is where our friends always meet up before school. The librarians hate as though since we are not exactly quiet. We walked into the library and saw our friend group chatting to each other at a table in a corner next to a long, sliding window. Zane saw Liza and I first and started screaming at us "OVER HERE!! GUYS!! OVER HERE!! CAN YOU SEE US? GUYS!!" Liza and I laughed at each other and made our way towards our friends. "Hey guys!" Liza said happily "Zane, Your party still on for tonight?" "Of course! And I promise I will try not to break any furniture this time" We all laughed at the memory. "as long as no one else apart from us..." Liza said worriedly. Zane looked at her with a bit of sadness in his eyes. We all knew how much Liza was terrified about new people and socializing. We only wish we could help. "Don't worry babe. I promise it will only be us there." Zane replied. A look of relief washed over Liza's face. 

Honestly my friends were great. My happiest memories are with them. They are the most loving and caring people you will ever meet

But I still wasn't happy...

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